This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342 -id: 3927 -meta_title: null -meta_description: null -seoImages: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203343 …} -seoRaw: null -seoVideos: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203345 …} -seoParagraphs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203347 …} -title: "Заказ оформлен" -description: null -slug: "order-complete" -short_title: null -modified_at: DateTimeImmutable @1742095478 {#210101 date: 2025-03-15 22:24:38.994519 America/Chicago (-05:00) } -priority: null -url: "/personal/cart/order-complete" -seo_type: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType {#192881 -id: 21 -name: "custom_page" -title: "Спец страница" -seoContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203534 …} -base_path: null -short_title: "специальное" -site: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203536 …} -is_list: false -child_type: null -parent_type: null -mergedContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203538 …} -root_content: null -is_search: false -is_cart: false -sort_order: null -lazyObjectState: Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal\LazyObjectState {#192882 …} } -parent: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#192873 -id: 3707 -meta_title: " - Моя корзина" -meta_description: "Антэк — надежный поставщик упаковочных материалов" -seoImages: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192874 …} -seoRaw: null -seoVideos: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192876 …} -seoParagraphs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192878 …} -title: "Корзина" -description: null -slug: "cart" -short_title: null -modified_at: DateTimeImmutable @1741650096 {#192872 date: 2025-03-10 18:41:36.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } -priority: null -url: "/personal/cart" -seo_type: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType {#192881} -parent: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#192884 …} -childrens: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192886 …} -oldSlugs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192888 …} -is_published: true -oldUrls: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192890 …} -seoFiles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192892 …} -bitrix_id: null -keywords: null -menu_title: null -seoLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192894 …} -inboundLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192896 …} -attached_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192898 …} -attached_to_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192900 …} -is_problems: true -is_ready: false -problems_string: "нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" -search_string: null -vote_count: null -vote_sum: null -seoProduct: null -meta_ok: true -notice_field: "" -last_edit_user: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\User {#4748 …} -voc_code: null -contentChanges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192902 …} -seoTags: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192904 …} -categories: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192906 …} -products: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192908 …} -constructions: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192910 …} -portfolios: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192912 …} -options: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192914 …} -segments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192916 …} -workers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192918 …} -extras: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192920 …} -seoPortfolio: null -is_ready_pm: false -is_ready_cm: false -og_title: null -og_description: null -short_code: null -source_link: null -created_at: null -merge_to: null -merged: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192922 …} -real_type: null -children_types: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192924 …} -no_index: true +ismenuactive: null -not_menu: false -sort_order: 10 } -childrens: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203349 …} -oldSlugs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203351 …} -is_published: true -oldUrls: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203353 …} -seoFiles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203355 …} -bitrix_id: null -keywords: null -menu_title: null -seoLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203357 …} -inboundLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203359 …} -attached_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203361 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#203362 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342} -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344744 …} -backRefFieldName: "attached_to_content" -isDirty: false -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344746 …} } -attached_to_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203363 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#203364 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342} -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344840 …} -backRefFieldName: "attached_content" -isDirty: false -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344838 …} } -is_problems: true -is_ready: false -problems_string: "нет мета данных, нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" -search_string: null -vote_count: null -vote_sum: null -seoProduct: null -meta_ok: true -notice_field: "" -last_edit_user: Shared\Entity\Main\User {#811 -id: 1 -email: "" -roles: [ "ROLE_USER" "ROLE_ADMIN" "ROLE_SUPERVISOR" "ROLE_SEO" ] -password: "$2y$13$k.kP8UQOoNrjsoZ9ZhhZWOQmPlqLq09IhOh6qmPfAySHV8APUZJc2" -isVerified: true -person: Shared\Entity\Main\Person\Person {#897 …} -user_roles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#823 …} -plain_password: null +ischanged: false -clientBrowsers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#898 …} -is_active: true } -voc_code: null -contentChanges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203365 …} -seoTags: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203367 …} -categories: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203369 …} -products: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203371 …} -constructions: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203373 …} -portfolios: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203375 …} -options: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203377 …} -segments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203379 …} -workers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203381 …} -extras: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203383 …} -seoPortfolio: null -is_ready_pm: false -is_ready_cm: false -og_title: null -og_description: null -short_code: null -source_link: null -created_at: null -merge_to: null -merged: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203385 …} -real_type: null -children_types: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203387 …} -no_index: false +ismenuactive: null -not_menu: true -sort_order: null } |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342 -id: 3927 -meta_title: null -meta_description: null -seoImages: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203343 …} -seoRaw: null -seoVideos: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203345 …} -seoParagraphs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203347 …} -title: "Заказ оформлен" -description: null -slug: "order-complete" -short_title: null -modified_at: DateTimeImmutable @1742095478 {#210101 date: 2025-03-15 22:24:38.994519 America/Chicago (-05:00) } -priority: null -url: "/personal/cart/order-complete" -seo_type: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType {#192881 -id: 21 -name: "custom_page" -title: "Спец страница" -seoContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203534 …} -base_path: null -short_title: "специальное" -site: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203536 …} -is_list: false -child_type: null -parent_type: null -mergedContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203538 …} -root_content: null -is_search: false -is_cart: false -sort_order: null -lazyObjectState: Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal\LazyObjectState {#192882 …} } -parent: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#192873 -id: 3707 -meta_title: " - Моя корзина" -meta_description: "Антэк — надежный поставщик упаковочных материалов" -seoImages: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192874 …} -seoRaw: null -seoVideos: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192876 …} -seoParagraphs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192878 …} -title: "Корзина" -description: null -slug: "cart" -short_title: null -modified_at: DateTimeImmutable @1741650096 {#192872 date: 2025-03-10 18:41:36.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } -priority: null -url: "/personal/cart" -seo_type: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType {#192881} -parent: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#192884 …} -childrens: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192886 …} -oldSlugs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192888 …} -is_published: true -oldUrls: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192890 …} -seoFiles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192892 …} -bitrix_id: null -keywords: null -menu_title: null -seoLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192894 …} -inboundLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192896 …} -attached_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192898 …} -attached_to_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192900 …} -is_problems: true -is_ready: false -problems_string: "нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" -search_string: null -vote_count: null -vote_sum: null -seoProduct: null -meta_ok: true -notice_field: "" -last_edit_user: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\User {#4748 …} -voc_code: null -contentChanges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192902 …} -seoTags: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192904 …} -categories: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192906 …} -products: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192908 …} -constructions: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192910 …} -portfolios: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192912 …} -options: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192914 …} -segments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192916 …} -workers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192918 …} -extras: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192920 …} -seoPortfolio: null -is_ready_pm: false -is_ready_cm: false -og_title: null -og_description: null -short_code: null -source_link: null -created_at: null -merge_to: null -merged: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192922 …} -real_type: null -children_types: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192924 …} -no_index: true +ismenuactive: null -not_menu: false -sort_order: 10 } -childrens: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203349 …} -oldSlugs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203351 …} -is_published: true -oldUrls: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203353 …} -seoFiles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203355 …} -bitrix_id: null -keywords: null -menu_title: null -seoLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203357 …} -inboundLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203359 …} -attached_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203361 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#203362 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342} -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344744 …} -backRefFieldName: "attached_to_content" -isDirty: false -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344746 …} } -attached_to_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203363 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#203364 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342} -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344840 …} -backRefFieldName: "attached_content" -isDirty: false -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344838 …} } -is_problems: true -is_ready: false -problems_string: "нет мета данных, нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" -search_string: null -vote_count: null -vote_sum: null -seoProduct: null -meta_ok: true -notice_field: "" -last_edit_user: Shared\Entity\Main\User {#811 -id: 1 -email: "" -roles: [ "ROLE_USER" "ROLE_ADMIN" "ROLE_SUPERVISOR" "ROLE_SEO" ] -password: "$2y$13$k.kP8UQOoNrjsoZ9ZhhZWOQmPlqLq09IhOh6qmPfAySHV8APUZJc2" -isVerified: true -person: Shared\Entity\Main\Person\Person {#897 …} -user_roles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#823 …} -plain_password: null +ischanged: false -clientBrowsers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#898 …} -is_active: true } -voc_code: null -contentChanges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203365 …} -seoTags: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203367 …} -categories: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203369 …} -products: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203371 …} -constructions: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203373 …} -portfolios: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203375 …} -options: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203377 …} -segments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203379 …} -workers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203381 …} -extras: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203383 …} -seoPortfolio: null -is_ready_pm: false -is_ready_cm: false -og_title: null -og_description: null -short_code: null -source_link: null -created_at: null -merge_to: null -merged: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203385 …} -real_type: null -children_types: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203387 …} -no_index: false +ismenuactive: null -not_menu: true -sort_order: null } |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "class" => "ea-edit-form" "id" => "edit-SeoContent-form" ] |
[ "class" => "ea-edit-form" "id" => "edit-SeoContent-form" ] |
csrf_token_id | "" |
same as passed value |
data | Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342 -id: 3927 -meta_title: null -meta_description: null -seoImages: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203343 …} -seoRaw: null -seoVideos: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203345 …} -seoParagraphs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203347 …} -title: "Заказ оформлен" -description: null -slug: "order-complete" -short_title: null -modified_at: DateTimeImmutable @1742095478 {#210101 date: 2025-03-15 22:24:38.994519 America/Chicago (-05:00) } -priority: null -url: "/personal/cart/order-complete" -seo_type: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType {#192881 -id: 21 -name: "custom_page" -title: "Спец страница" -seoContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203534 …} -base_path: null -short_title: "специальное" -site: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203536 …} -is_list: false -child_type: null -parent_type: null -mergedContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203538 …} -root_content: null -is_search: false -is_cart: false -sort_order: null -lazyObjectState: Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal\LazyObjectState {#192882 …} } -parent: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#192873 -id: 3707 -meta_title: " - Моя корзина" -meta_description: "Антэк — надежный поставщик упаковочных материалов" -seoImages: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192874 …} -seoRaw: null -seoVideos: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192876 …} -seoParagraphs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192878 …} -title: "Корзина" -description: null -slug: "cart" -short_title: null -modified_at: DateTimeImmutable @1741650096 {#192872 date: 2025-03-10 18:41:36.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } -priority: null -url: "/personal/cart" -seo_type: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType {#192881} -parent: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#192884 …} -childrens: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192886 …} -oldSlugs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192888 …} -is_published: true -oldUrls: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192890 …} -seoFiles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192892 …} -bitrix_id: null -keywords: null -menu_title: null -seoLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192894 …} -inboundLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192896 …} -attached_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192898 …} -attached_to_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192900 …} -is_problems: true -is_ready: false -problems_string: "нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" -search_string: null -vote_count: null -vote_sum: null -seoProduct: null -meta_ok: true -notice_field: "" -last_edit_user: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\User {#4748 …} -voc_code: null -contentChanges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192902 …} -seoTags: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192904 …} -categories: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192906 …} -products: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192908 …} -constructions: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192910 …} -portfolios: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192912 …} -options: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192914 …} -segments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192916 …} -workers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192918 …} -extras: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192920 …} -seoPortfolio: null -is_ready_pm: false -is_ready_cm: false -og_title: null -og_description: null -short_code: null -source_link: null -created_at: null -merge_to: null -merged: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192922 …} -real_type: null -children_types: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192924 …} -no_index: true +ismenuactive: null -not_menu: false -sort_order: 10 } -childrens: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203349 …} -oldSlugs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203351 …} -is_published: true -oldUrls: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203353 …} -seoFiles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203355 …} -bitrix_id: null -keywords: null -menu_title: null -seoLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203357 …} -inboundLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203359 …} -attached_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203361 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#203362 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342} -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344744 …} -backRefFieldName: "attached_to_content" -isDirty: false -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344746 …} } -attached_to_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203363 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#203364 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342} -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344840 …} -backRefFieldName: "attached_content" -isDirty: false -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344838 …} } -is_problems: true -is_ready: false -problems_string: "нет мета данных, нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" -search_string: null -vote_count: null -vote_sum: null -seoProduct: null -meta_ok: true -notice_field: "" -last_edit_user: Shared\Entity\Main\User {#811 -id: 1 -email: "" -roles: [ "ROLE_USER" "ROLE_ADMIN" "ROLE_SUPERVISOR" "ROLE_SEO" ] -password: "$2y$13$k.kP8UQOoNrjsoZ9ZhhZWOQmPlqLq09IhOh6qmPfAySHV8APUZJc2" -isVerified: true -person: Shared\Entity\Main\Person\Person {#897 …} -user_roles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#823 …} -plain_password: null +ischanged: false -clientBrowsers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#898 …} -is_active: true } -voc_code: null -contentChanges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203365 …} -seoTags: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203367 …} -categories: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203369 …} -products: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203371 …} -constructions: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203373 …} -portfolios: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203375 …} -options: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203377 …} -segments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203379 …} -workers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203381 …} -extras: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203383 …} -seoPortfolio: null -is_ready_pm: false -is_ready_cm: false -og_title: null -og_description: null -short_code: null -source_link: null -created_at: null -merge_to: null -merged: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203385 …} -real_type: null -children_types: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203387 …} -no_index: false +ismenuactive: null -not_menu: true -sort_order: null } |
same as passed value |
entityDto | EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#203755 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#913 …} -instance: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342 -id: 3927 -meta_title: null -meta_description: null -seoImages: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203343 …} -seoRaw: null -seoVideos: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203345 …} -seoParagraphs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203347 …} -title: "Заказ оформлен" -description: null -slug: "order-complete" -short_title: null -modified_at: DateTimeImmutable @1742095478 {#210101 date: 2025-03-15 22:24:38.994519 America/Chicago (-05:00) } -priority: null -url: "/personal/cart/order-complete" -seo_type: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType {#192881 -id: 21 -name: "custom_page" -title: "Спец страница" -seoContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203534 …} -base_path: null -short_title: "специальное" -site: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203536 …} -is_list: false -child_type: null -parent_type: null -mergedContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203538 …} -root_content: null -is_search: false -is_cart: false -sort_order: null -lazyObjectState: Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal\LazyObjectState {#192882 …} } -parent: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#192873 -id: 3707 -meta_title: " - Моя корзина" -meta_description: "Антэк — надежный поставщик упаковочных материалов" -seoImages: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192874 …} -seoRaw: null -seoVideos: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192876 …} -seoParagraphs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192878 …} -title: "Корзина" -description: null -slug: "cart" -short_title: null -modified_at: DateTimeImmutable @1741650096 {#192872 date: 2025-03-10 18:41:36.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } -priority: null -url: "/personal/cart" -seo_type: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType {#192881} -parent: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#192884 …} -childrens: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192886 …} -oldSlugs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192888 …} -is_published: true -oldUrls: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192890 …} -seoFiles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192892 …} -bitrix_id: null -keywords: null -menu_title: null -seoLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192894 …} -inboundLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192896 …} -attached_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192898 …} -attached_to_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192900 …} -is_problems: true -is_ready: false -problems_string: "нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" -search_string: null -vote_count: null -vote_sum: null -seoProduct: null -meta_ok: true -notice_field: "" -last_edit_user: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\User {#4748 …} -voc_code: null -contentChanges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192902 …} -seoTags: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192904 …} -categories: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192906 …} -products: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192908 …} -constructions: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192910 …} -portfolios: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192912 …} -options: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192914 …} -segments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192916 …} -workers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192918 …} -extras: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192920 …} -seoPortfolio: null -is_ready_pm: false -is_ready_cm: false -og_title: null -og_description: null -short_code: null -source_link: null -created_at: null -merge_to: null -merged: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192922 …} -real_type: null -children_types: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192924 …} -no_index: true +ismenuactive: null -not_menu: false -sort_order: 10 } -childrens: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203349 …} -oldSlugs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203351 …} -is_published: true -oldUrls: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203353 …} -seoFiles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203355 …} -bitrix_id: null -keywords: null -menu_title: null -seoLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203357 …} -inboundLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203359 …} -attached_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203361 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#203362 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342} -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344744 …} -backRefFieldName: "attached_to_content" -isDirty: false -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344746 …} } -attached_to_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203363 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#203364 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342} -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344840 …} -backRefFieldName: "attached_content" -isDirty: false -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344838 …} } -is_problems: true -is_ready: false -problems_string: "нет мета данных, нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" -search_string: null -vote_count: null -vote_sum: null -seoProduct: null -meta_ok: true -notice_field: "" -last_edit_user: Shared\Entity\Main\User {#811 -id: 1 -email: "" -roles: [ "ROLE_USER" "ROLE_ADMIN" "ROLE_SUPERVISOR" "ROLE_SEO" ] -password: "$2y$13$k.kP8UQOoNrjsoZ9ZhhZWOQmPlqLq09IhOh6qmPfAySHV8APUZJc2" -isVerified: true -person: Shared\Entity\Main\Person\Person {#897 …} -user_roles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#823 …} -plain_password: null +ischanged: false -clientBrowsers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#898 …} -is_active: true } -voc_code: null -contentChanges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203365 …} -seoTags: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203367 …} -categories: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203369 …} -products: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203371 …} -constructions: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203373 …} -portfolios: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203375 …} -options: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203377 …} -segments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203379 …} -workers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203381 …} -extras: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203383 …} -seoPortfolio: null -is_ready_pm: false -is_ready_cm: false -og_title: null -og_description: null -short_code: null -source_link: null -created_at: null -merge_to: null -merged: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203385 …} -real_type: null -children_types: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203387 …} -no_index: false +ismenuactive: null -not_menu: true -sort_order: null } -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: 3927 -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#205414 …} -actions: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\ActionCollection {#207204 …} } |
same as passed value |
translation_domain | "messages" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | true |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "class" => "ea-edit-form" "id" => "edit-SeoContent-form" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | "" |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data | Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342 -id: 3927 -meta_title: null -meta_description: null -seoImages: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203343 …} -seoRaw: null -seoVideos: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203345 …} -seoParagraphs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203347 …} -title: "Заказ оформлен" -description: null -slug: "order-complete" -short_title: null -modified_at: DateTimeImmutable @1742095478 {#210101 date: 2025-03-15 22:24:38.994519 America/Chicago (-05:00) } -priority: null -url: "/personal/cart/order-complete" -seo_type: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType {#192881 -id: 21 -name: "custom_page" -title: "Спец страница" -seoContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203534 …} -base_path: null -short_title: "специальное" -site: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203536 …} -is_list: false -child_type: null -parent_type: null -mergedContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203538 …} -root_content: null -is_search: false -is_cart: false -sort_order: null -lazyObjectState: Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal\LazyObjectState {#192882 …} } -parent: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#192873 -id: 3707 -meta_title: " - Моя корзина" -meta_description: "Антэк — надежный поставщик упаковочных материалов" -seoImages: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192874 …} -seoRaw: null -seoVideos: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192876 …} -seoParagraphs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192878 …} -title: "Корзина" -description: null -slug: "cart" -short_title: null -modified_at: DateTimeImmutable @1741650096 {#192872 date: 2025-03-10 18:41:36.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } -priority: null -url: "/personal/cart" -seo_type: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType {#192881} -parent: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#192884 …} -childrens: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192886 …} -oldSlugs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192888 …} -is_published: true -oldUrls: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192890 …} -seoFiles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192892 …} -bitrix_id: null -keywords: null -menu_title: null -seoLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192894 …} -inboundLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192896 …} -attached_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192898 …} -attached_to_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192900 …} -is_problems: true -is_ready: false -problems_string: "нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" -search_string: null -vote_count: null -vote_sum: null -seoProduct: null -meta_ok: true -notice_field: "" -last_edit_user: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\User {#4748 …} -voc_code: null -contentChanges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192902 …} -seoTags: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192904 …} -categories: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192906 …} -products: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192908 …} -constructions: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192910 …} -portfolios: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192912 …} -options: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192914 …} -segments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192916 …} -workers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192918 …} -extras: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192920 …} -seoPortfolio: null -is_ready_pm: false -is_ready_cm: false -og_title: null -og_description: null -short_code: null -source_link: null -created_at: null -merge_to: null -merged: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192922 …} -real_type: null -children_types: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192924 …} -no_index: true +ismenuactive: null -not_menu: false -sort_order: 10 } -childrens: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203349 …} -oldSlugs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203351 …} -is_published: true -oldUrls: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203353 …} -seoFiles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203355 …} -bitrix_id: null -keywords: null -menu_title: null -seoLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203357 …} -inboundLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203359 …} -attached_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203361 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#203362 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342} -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344744 …} -backRefFieldName: "attached_to_content" -isDirty: false -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344746 …} } -attached_to_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203363 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#203364 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342} -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344840 …} -backRefFieldName: "attached_content" -isDirty: false -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344838 …} } -is_problems: true -is_ready: false -problems_string: "нет мета данных, нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" -search_string: null -vote_count: null -vote_sum: null -seoProduct: null -meta_ok: true -notice_field: "" -last_edit_user: Shared\Entity\Main\User {#811 -id: 1 -email: "" -roles: [ "ROLE_USER" "ROLE_ADMIN" "ROLE_SUPERVISOR" "ROLE_SEO" ] -password: "$2y$13$k.kP8UQOoNrjsoZ9ZhhZWOQmPlqLq09IhOh6qmPfAySHV8APUZJc2" -isVerified: true -person: Shared\Entity\Main\Person\Person {#897 …} -user_roles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#823 …} -plain_password: null +ischanged: false -clientBrowsers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#898 …} -is_active: true } -voc_code: null -contentChanges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203365 …} -seoTags: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203367 …} -categories: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203369 …} -products: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203371 …} -constructions: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203373 …} -portfolios: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203375 …} -options: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203377 …} -segments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203379 …} -workers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203381 …} -extras: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203383 …} -seoPortfolio: null -is_ready_pm: false -is_ready_cm: false -og_title: null -og_description: null -short_code: null -source_link: null -created_at: null -merge_to: null -merged: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203385 …} -real_type: null -children_types: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203387 …} -no_index: false +ismenuactive: null -not_menu: true -sort_order: null } |
data_class | "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207277 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" use: { $class: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" } } |
entityDto | EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#203755 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#913 …} -instance: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342 -id: 3927 -meta_title: null -meta_description: null -seoImages: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203343 …} -seoRaw: null -seoVideos: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203345 …} -seoParagraphs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203347 …} -title: "Заказ оформлен" -description: null -slug: "order-complete" -short_title: null -modified_at: DateTimeImmutable @1742095478 {#210101 date: 2025-03-15 22:24:38.994519 America/Chicago (-05:00) } -priority: null -url: "/personal/cart/order-complete" -seo_type: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType {#192881 -id: 21 -name: "custom_page" -title: "Спец страница" -seoContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203534 …} -base_path: null -short_title: "специальное" -site: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203536 …} -is_list: false -child_type: null -parent_type: null -mergedContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203538 …} -root_content: null -is_search: false -is_cart: false -sort_order: null -lazyObjectState: Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal\LazyObjectState {#192882 …} } -parent: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#192873 -id: 3707 -meta_title: " - Моя корзина" -meta_description: "Антэк — надежный поставщик упаковочных материалов" -seoImages: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192874 …} -seoRaw: null -seoVideos: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192876 …} -seoParagraphs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192878 …} -title: "Корзина" -description: null -slug: "cart" -short_title: null -modified_at: DateTimeImmutable @1741650096 {#192872 date: 2025-03-10 18:41:36.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } -priority: null -url: "/personal/cart" -seo_type: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType {#192881} -parent: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#192884 …} -childrens: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192886 …} -oldSlugs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192888 …} -is_published: true -oldUrls: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192890 …} -seoFiles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192892 …} -bitrix_id: null -keywords: null -menu_title: null -seoLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192894 …} -inboundLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192896 …} -attached_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192898 …} -attached_to_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192900 …} -is_problems: true -is_ready: false -problems_string: "нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" -search_string: null -vote_count: null -vote_sum: null -seoProduct: null -meta_ok: true -notice_field: "" -last_edit_user: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\User {#4748 …} -voc_code: null -contentChanges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192902 …} -seoTags: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192904 …} -categories: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192906 …} -products: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192908 …} -constructions: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192910 …} -portfolios: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192912 …} -options: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192914 …} -segments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192916 …} -workers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192918 …} -extras: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192920 …} -seoPortfolio: null -is_ready_pm: false -is_ready_cm: false -og_title: null -og_description: null -short_code: null -source_link: null -created_at: null -merge_to: null -merged: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192922 …} -real_type: null -children_types: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192924 …} -no_index: true +ismenuactive: null -not_menu: false -sort_order: 10 } -childrens: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203349 …} -oldSlugs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203351 …} -is_published: true -oldUrls: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203353 …} -seoFiles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203355 …} -bitrix_id: null -keywords: null -menu_title: null -seoLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203357 …} -inboundLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203359 …} -attached_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203361 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#203362 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342} -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344744 …} -backRefFieldName: "attached_to_content" -isDirty: false -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344746 …} } -attached_to_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203363 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#203364 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342} -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344840 …} -backRefFieldName: "attached_content" -isDirty: false -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344838 …} } -is_problems: true -is_ready: false -problems_string: "нет мета данных, нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" -search_string: null -vote_count: null -vote_sum: null -seoProduct: null -meta_ok: true -notice_field: "" -last_edit_user: Shared\Entity\Main\User {#811 -id: 1 -email: "" -roles: [ "ROLE_USER" "ROLE_ADMIN" "ROLE_SUPERVISOR" "ROLE_SEO" ] -password: "$2y$13$k.kP8UQOoNrjsoZ9ZhhZWOQmPlqLq09IhOh6qmPfAySHV8APUZJc2" -isVerified: true -person: Shared\Entity\Main\Person\Person {#897 …} -user_roles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#823 …} -plain_password: null +ischanged: false -clientBrowsers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#898 …} -is_active: true } -voc_code: null -contentChanges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203365 …} -seoTags: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203367 …} -categories: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203369 …} -products: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203371 …} -constructions: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203373 …} -portfolios: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203375 …} -options: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203377 …} -segments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203379 …} -workers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203381 …} -extras: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203383 …} -seoPortfolio: null -is_ready_pm: false -is_ready_cm: false -og_title: null -og_description: null -short_code: null -source_link: null -created_at: null -merge_to: null -merged: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203385 …} -real_type: null -children_types: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203387 …} -no_index: false +ismenuactive: null -not_menu: true -sort_order: null } -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: 3927 -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#205414 …} -actions: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\ActionCollection {#207204 …} } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | "messages" |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207279 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207276 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207274 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
tabs | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207284 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207283 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207251 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207262 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207264 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
ea_css_class | "field-form_tab" |
same as passed value |
ea_help | null |
same as passed value |
ea_tab_id | "tab-main" |
same as passed value |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205638 -message: "Main" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
[ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
ea_css_class | "field-form_tab" |
ea_help | null |
ea_tab_id | "tab-main" |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207294 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205638 -message: "Main" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207302 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207293 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | "нет мета данных, нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | "нет мета данных, нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
disabled | true |
same as passed value |
label | "Problems" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-text" ] |
[ "class" => "field-text" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | true |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207317 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Problems" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-text" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207319 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207318 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
Normalized Format | true |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "data-ea-align" => "center" ] |
[ "data-ea-align" => "center" ] |
label | "Is Published" |
same as passed value |
label_attr | [ "class" => "checkbox-switch" ] |
[ "class" => "checkbox-switch" ] |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-boolean" ] |
[ "class" => "field-boolean" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "data-ea-align" => "center" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#207328 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#207327 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "Is Published" |
label_attr | [ "class" => "checkbox-switch" ] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-boolean" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207332 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207337 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "1" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
Normalized Format | true |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "data-ea-align" => "center" ] |
[ "data-ea-align" => "center" ] |
label | "Not Menu" |
same as passed value |
label_attr | [ "class" => "checkbox-switch" ] |
[ "class" => "checkbox-switch" ] |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-boolean" ] |
[ "class" => "field-boolean" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "data-ea-align" => "center" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#207328 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#207327 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "Not Menu" |
label_attr | [ "class" => "checkbox-switch" ] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-boolean" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207346 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207347 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "1" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
Normalized Format | false |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "data-ea-align" => "center" ] |
[ "data-ea-align" => "center" ] |
label | "Is Ready" |
same as passed value |
label_attr | [ "class" => "checkbox-switch" ] |
[ "class" => "checkbox-switch" ] |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-boolean" ] |
[ "class" => "field-boolean" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "data-ea-align" => "center" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#207328 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#207327 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "Is Ready" |
label_attr | [ "class" => "checkbox-switch" ] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-boolean" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207356 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207355 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "1" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
Normalized Format | false |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "data-ea-align" => "center" ] |
[ "data-ea-align" => "center" ] |
label | "Is Ready Cm" |
same as passed value |
label_attr | [ "class" => "checkbox-switch" ] |
[ "class" => "checkbox-switch" ] |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-boolean" ] |
[ "class" => "field-boolean" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "data-ea-align" => "center" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#207328 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#207327 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "Is Ready Cm" |
label_attr | [ "class" => "checkbox-switch" ] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-boolean" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207365 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207364 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "1" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
Normalized Format | false |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "data-ea-align" => "center" ] |
[ "data-ea-align" => "center" ] |
label | "Is Ready Pm" |
same as passed value |
label_attr | [ "class" => "checkbox-switch" ] |
[ "class" => "checkbox-switch" ] |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-boolean" ] |
[ "class" => "field-boolean" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "data-ea-align" => "center" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#207328 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#207327 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "Is Ready Pm" |
label_attr | [ "class" => "checkbox-switch" ] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-boolean" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207374 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207373 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "1" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
"" |
Normalized Format | null |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
help | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205249 -message: "Меньше - раньше. 100 если не указано." -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
same as passed value |
help_html | true |
same as passed value |
label | "Sort Order" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-integer" ] |
[ "class" => "field-integer" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207383 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
grouping | false |
help | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205249 -message: "Меньше - раньше. 100 если не указано." -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | true |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "Please enter an integer." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Sort Order" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
rounding_mode | 2 |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-integer" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207388 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207382 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | "Заказ оформлен" |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
label | "Title" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-text" ] |
[ "class" => "field-text" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207400 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Title" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-text" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207399 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207397 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | "Заказ оформлен" |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
label | "Short Title" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-text" ] |
[ "class" => "field-text" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207405 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Short Title" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-text" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207407 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207406 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | "Заказ оформлен" |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
label | "Menu Title" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-text" ] |
[ "class" => "field-text" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207414 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Menu Title" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-text" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207416 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207415 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType {#192881 -id: 21 -name: "custom_page" -title: "Спец страница" -seoContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203534 …} -base_path: null -short_title: "специальное" -site: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203536 …} -is_list: false -child_type: null -parent_type: null -mergedContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203538 …} -root_content: null -is_search: false -is_cart: false -sort_order: null -lazyObjectState: Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal\LazyObjectState {#192882 …} } |
View Format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
Normalized Format | Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType {#192881 -id: 21 -name: "custom_page" -title: "Спец страница" -seoContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203534 …} -base_path: null -short_title: "специальное" -site: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203536 …} -is_list: false -child_type: null -parent_type: null -mergedContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203538 …} -root_content: null -is_search: false -is_cart: false -sort_order: null -lazyObjectState: Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal\LazyObjectState {#192882 …} } |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "data-ea-widget" => "ea-autocomplete" "data-ea-autocomplete-render-items-as-html" => "false" "placeholder" => Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205126 -message: "label.form.empty_value" -parameters: [] -domain: "EasyAdminBundle" } ] |
[ "data-ea-widget" => "ea-autocomplete" "data-ea-autocomplete-render-items-as-html" => "false" "placeholder" => Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205126 -message: "label.form.empty_value" -parameters: [] -domain: "EasyAdminBundle" } ] |
class | "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType" |
same as passed value |
disabled | true |
same as passed value |
help | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205135 -message: "Тип содержания указывается при создании, в дальнейшем его изменить ! НЕВОЗМОЖНО !" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
same as passed value |
help_html | true |
same as passed value |
label | "Seo Type" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
query_builder | Closure(EntityRepository $repository) {#205242 class: "EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Field\Configurator\AssociationConfigurator" use: { $field: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\FieldDto {#205140 …} } } |
Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder {#207508 -dqlParts: [ "distinct" => false "select" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Select {#207510 #preSeparator: "" #separator: ", " #postSeparator: "" #allowedClasses: [ "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func" ] #parts: [ "entity" ] } ] "from" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\From {#207504 #from: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType" #alias: "entity" #indexBy: null } ] "join" => [] "set" => [] "where" => null "groupBy" => [] "having" => null "orderBy" => [] ] -type: Doctrine\ORM\Internal\QueryType {#207454 …} -dql: "SELECT entity FROM Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType entity" -parameters: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#207509 …} -firstResult: 0 -maxResults: null -joinRootAliases: [] #cacheable: false #cacheRegion: null #cacheMode: null #lifetime: 0 -boundCounter: 0 -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} } |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-association" ] |
[ "class" => "field-association" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [ "data-ea-widget" => "ea-autocomplete" "data-ea-autocomplete-render-items-as-html" => "false" "placeholder" => Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205126 -message: "label.form.empty_value" -parameters: [] -domain: "EasyAdminBundle" } ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
choice_attr | null |
choice_filter | null |
choice_label | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceLabel {#207446 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType::createChoiceLabel(object $choice): string {#207461 …} } |
choice_loader | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceLoader {#207473 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\DoctrineChoiceLoader {#207512 …} } |
choice_name | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceFieldName {#207472 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType::createChoiceName(object $choice, string|int $key, string $value): string {#207515 …} } |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choice_value | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceValue {#207511 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\IdReader::getIdValue(?object $object = null): string {#207471 …} } |
choices | null |
class | "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType" |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | true |
duplicate_preferred_choices | true |
em | ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} |
empty_data | "" |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
expanded | false |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
group_by | null |
help | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205135 -message: "Тип содержания указывается при создании, в дальнейшем его изменить ! НЕВОЗМОЖНО !" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | true |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id_reader | Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\IdReader {#207578 -singleId: true -intId: true -idField: "id" -associationIdReader: null -om: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -classMetadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1051 …} } |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The selected choice is invalid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Seo Type" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
multiple | false |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
placeholder | "" |
placeholder_attr | [] |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preferred_choices | [] |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
query_builder | Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder {#207508 -dqlParts: [ "distinct" => false "select" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Select {#207510 #preSeparator: "" #separator: ", " #postSeparator: "" #allowedClasses: [ "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func" ] #parts: [ "entity" ] } ] "from" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\From {#207504 #from: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType" #alias: "entity" #indexBy: null } ] "join" => [] "set" => [] "where" => null "groupBy" => [] "having" => null "orderBy" => [] ] -type: Doctrine\ORM\Internal\QueryType {#207454 …} -dql: "SELECT entity FROM Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType entity" -parameters: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#207509 …} -firstResult: 0 -maxResults: null -joinRootAliases: [] #cacheable: false #cacheRegion: null #cacheMode: null #lifetime: 0 -boundCounter: 0 -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} } |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-association" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | false |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207455 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207457 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
"" |
Normalized Format | null |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
label | "Short Code" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-text" ] |
[ "class" => "field-text" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207483 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Short Code" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-text" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207477 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207480 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
Normalized Format | Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#192873 -id: 3707 -meta_title: " - Моя корзина" -meta_description: "Антэк — надежный поставщик упаковочных материалов" -seoImages: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192874 …} -seoRaw: null -seoVideos: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192876 …} -seoParagraphs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192878 …} -title: "Корзина" -description: null -slug: "cart" -short_title: null -modified_at: DateTimeImmutable @1741650096 {#192872 date: 2025-03-10 18:41:36.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } -priority: null -url: "/personal/cart" -seo_type: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType {#192881 -id: 21 -name: "custom_page" -title: "Спец страница" -seoContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203534 …} -base_path: null -short_title: "специальное" -site: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203536 …} -is_list: false -child_type: null -parent_type: null -mergedContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203538 …} -root_content: null -is_search: false -is_cart: false -sort_order: null -lazyObjectState: Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal\LazyObjectState {#192882 …} } -parent: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#192884 …} -childrens: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192886 …} -oldSlugs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192888 …} -is_published: true -oldUrls: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192890 …} -seoFiles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192892 …} -bitrix_id: null -keywords: null -menu_title: null -seoLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192894 …} -inboundLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192896 …} -attached_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192898 …} -attached_to_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192900 …} -is_problems: true -is_ready: false -problems_string: "нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" -search_string: null -vote_count: null -vote_sum: null -seoProduct: null -meta_ok: true -notice_field: "" -last_edit_user: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\User {#4748 …} -voc_code: null -contentChanges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192902 …} -seoTags: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192904 …} -categories: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192906 …} -products: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192908 …} -constructions: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192910 …} -portfolios: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192912 …} -options: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192914 …} -segments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192916 …} -workers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192918 …} -extras: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192920 …} -seoPortfolio: null -is_ready_pm: false -is_ready_cm: false -og_title: null -og_description: null -short_code: null -source_link: null -created_at: null -merge_to: null -merged: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192922 …} -real_type: null -children_types: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192924 …} -no_index: true +ismenuactive: null -not_menu: false -sort_order: 10 } |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "data-ea-widget" => "ea-autocomplete" "data-ea-autocomplete-render-items-as-html" => "false" "placeholder" => Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205119 -message: "label.form.empty_value" -parameters: [] -domain: "EasyAdminBundle" } ] |
[ "data-ea-widget" => "ea-autocomplete" "data-ea-autocomplete-render-items-as-html" => "false" "placeholder" => Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205119 -message: "label.form.empty_value" -parameters: [] -domain: "EasyAdminBundle" } ] |
class | "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" |
same as passed value |
label | "Parent content" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
query_builder | Closure(EntityRepository $repository) {#205386 class: "EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Field\Configurator\AssociationConfigurator" use: { $field: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\FieldDto {#205124 …} } } |
Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder {#207498 -dqlParts: [ "distinct" => false "select" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Select {#207499 #preSeparator: "" #separator: ", " #postSeparator: "" #allowedClasses: [ "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func" ] #parts: [ "entity" ] } ] "from" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\From {#207500 #from: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" #alias: "entity" #indexBy: null } ] "join" => [ "entity" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Join {#207502 #joinType: "LEFT" #join: "entity.seo_type" #alias: "stype" #conditionType: null #condition: null #indexBy: null } ] ] "set" => [] "where" => Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Andx {#207586 #preSeparator: "(" #separator: " AND " #postSeparator: ")" #allowedClasses: [ "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Comparison" "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func" "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Orx" "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Andx" ] #parts: [ " = :typename" "entity.is_published = true" ] } "groupBy" => [] "having" => null "orderBy" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\OrderBy {#207585 #preSeparator: "" #separator: ", " #postSeparator: "" #allowedClasses: [] #parts: [ "entity.title ASC" ] } ] ] -type: Doctrine\ORM\Internal\QueryType {#207454 …} -dql: "SELECT entity FROM Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent entity LEFT JOIN entity.seo_type stype WHERE = :typename AND entity.is_published = true ORDER BY entity.title ASC" -parameters: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#207501 …} -firstResult: 0 -maxResults: null -joinRootAliases: [ "stype" => "entity" ] #cacheable: false #cacheRegion: null #cacheMode: null #lifetime: 0 -boundCounter: 0 -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} } |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-association" ] |
[ "class" => "field-association" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [ "data-ea-widget" => "ea-autocomplete" "data-ea-autocomplete-render-items-as-html" => "false" "placeholder" => Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205119 -message: "label.form.empty_value" -parameters: [] -domain: "EasyAdminBundle" } ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
choice_attr | null |
choice_filter | null |
choice_label | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceLabel {#207446 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType::createChoiceLabel(object $choice): string {#207461 …} } |
choice_loader | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceLoader {#207636 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\DoctrineChoiceLoader {#207579 …} } |
choice_name | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceFieldName {#207584 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType::createChoiceName(object $choice, string|int $key, string $value): string {#207515 …} } |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choice_value | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceValue {#207506 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\IdReader::getIdValue(?object $object = null): string {#207580 …} } |
choices | null |
class | "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
duplicate_preferred_choices | true |
em | ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} |
empty_data | "" |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
expanded | false |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
group_by | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id_reader | Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\IdReader {#207614 -singleId: true -intId: true -idField: "id" -associationIdReader: null -om: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -classMetadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#913 …} } |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The selected choice is invalid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Parent content" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
multiple | false |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
placeholder | "" |
placeholder_attr | [] |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preferred_choices | [] |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
query_builder | Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder {#207498 -dqlParts: [ "distinct" => false "select" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Select {#207499 #preSeparator: "" #separator: ", " #postSeparator: "" #allowedClasses: [ "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func" ] #parts: [ "entity" ] } ] "from" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\From {#207500 #from: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" #alias: "entity" #indexBy: null } ] "join" => [ "entity" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Join {#207502 #joinType: "LEFT" #join: "entity.seo_type" #alias: "stype" #conditionType: null #condition: null #indexBy: null } ] ] "set" => [] "where" => Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Andx {#207586 #preSeparator: "(" #separator: " AND " #postSeparator: ")" #allowedClasses: [ "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Comparison" "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func" "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Orx" "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Andx" ] #parts: [ " = :typename" "entity.is_published = true" ] } "groupBy" => [] "having" => null "orderBy" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\OrderBy {#207585 #preSeparator: "" #separator: ", " #postSeparator: "" #allowedClasses: [] #parts: [ "entity.title ASC" ] } ] ] -type: Doctrine\ORM\Internal\QueryType {#207454 …} -dql: "SELECT entity FROM Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent entity LEFT JOIN entity.seo_type stype WHERE = :typename AND entity.is_published = true ORDER BY entity.title ASC" -parameters: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#207501 …} -firstResult: 0 -maxResults: null -joinRootAliases: [ "stype" => "entity" ] #cacheable: false #cacheRegion: null #cacheMode: null #lifetime: 0 -boundCounter: 0 -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} } |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-association" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | false |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207497 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207496 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | "" |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | "order-complete" |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
help | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205160 -message: "Без "/" в начале и в конце" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
same as passed value |
help_html | true |
same as passed value |
label | "Slug" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-text" ] |
[ "class" => "field-text" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207609 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205160 -message: "Без "/" в начале и в конце" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | true |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Slug" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-text" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207607 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207608 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
"" |
Normalized Format | null |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
label | "Description" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-text_editor" ] |
[ "class" => "field-text_editor" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207591 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Description" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-text_editor" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207588 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207590 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | Shared\Entity\Main\User {#811 -id: 1 -email: "" -roles: [ "ROLE_USER" "ROLE_ADMIN" "ROLE_SUPERVISOR" "ROLE_SEO" ] -password: "$2y$13$k.kP8UQOoNrjsoZ9ZhhZWOQmPlqLq09IhOh6qmPfAySHV8APUZJc2" -isVerified: true -person: Shared\Entity\Main\Person\Person {#897 …} -user_roles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#823 …} -plain_password: null +ischanged: false -clientBrowsers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#898 …} -is_active: true } |
View Format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
Normalized Format | Shared\Entity\Main\User {#811 -id: 1 -email: "" -roles: [ "ROLE_USER" "ROLE_ADMIN" "ROLE_SUPERVISOR" "ROLE_SEO" ] -password: "$2y$13$k.kP8UQOoNrjsoZ9ZhhZWOQmPlqLq09IhOh6qmPfAySHV8APUZJc2" -isVerified: true -person: Shared\Entity\Main\Person\Person {#897 …} -user_roles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#823 …} -plain_password: null +ischanged: false -clientBrowsers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#898 …} -is_active: true } |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "data-ea-widget" => "ea-autocomplete" "data-ea-autocomplete-render-items-as-html" => "false" "placeholder" => Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205556 -message: "label.form.empty_value" -parameters: [] -domain: "EasyAdminBundle" } ] |
[ "data-ea-widget" => "ea-autocomplete" "data-ea-autocomplete-render-items-as-html" => "false" "placeholder" => Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205556 -message: "label.form.empty_value" -parameters: [] -domain: "EasyAdminBundle" } ] |
class | "Shared\Entity\Main\User" |
same as passed value |
disabled | true |
same as passed value |
label | "Last Edit User" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
query_builder | Closure(EntityRepository $repository) {#205404 class: "EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Field\Configurator\AssociationConfigurator" use: { $field: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\FieldDto {#205551 …} } } |
Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder {#207621 -dqlParts: [ "distinct" => false "select" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Select {#207486 #preSeparator: "" #separator: ", " #postSeparator: "" #allowedClasses: [ "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func" ] #parts: [ "entity" ] } ] "from" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\From {#207622 #from: "Shared\Entity\Main\User" #alias: "entity" #indexBy: null } ] "join" => [] "set" => [] "where" => null "groupBy" => [] "having" => null "orderBy" => [] ] -type: Doctrine\ORM\Internal\QueryType {#207454 …} -dql: "SELECT entity FROM Shared\Entity\Main\User entity" -parameters: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#207479 …} -firstResult: 0 -maxResults: null -joinRootAliases: [] #cacheable: false #cacheRegion: null #cacheMode: null #lifetime: 0 -boundCounter: 0 -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} } |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-association" ] |
[ "class" => "field-association" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [ "data-ea-widget" => "ea-autocomplete" "data-ea-autocomplete-render-items-as-html" => "false" "placeholder" => Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205556 -message: "label.form.empty_value" -parameters: [] -domain: "EasyAdminBundle" } ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
choice_attr | null |
choice_filter | null |
choice_label | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceLabel {#207446 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType::createChoiceLabel(object $choice): string {#207461 …} } |
choice_loader | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceLoader {#207641 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\DoctrineChoiceLoader {#207625 …} } |
choice_name | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceFieldName {#207487 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType::createChoiceName(object $choice, string|int $key, string $value): string {#207515 …} } |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choice_value | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceValue {#207620 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\IdReader::getIdValue(?object $object = null): string {#207618 …} } |
choices | null |
class | "Shared\Entity\Main\User" |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | true |
duplicate_preferred_choices | true |
em | ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} |
empty_data | "" |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
expanded | false |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
group_by | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id_reader | Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\IdReader {#207628 -singleId: true -intId: true -idField: "id" -associationIdReader: null -om: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -classMetadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#726 …} } |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The selected choice is invalid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Last Edit User" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
multiple | false |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
placeholder | "" |
placeholder_attr | [] |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preferred_choices | [] |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
query_builder | Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder {#207621 -dqlParts: [ "distinct" => false "select" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Select {#207486 #preSeparator: "" #separator: ", " #postSeparator: "" #allowedClasses: [ "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func" ] #parts: [ "entity" ] } ] "from" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\From {#207622 #from: "Shared\Entity\Main\User" #alias: "entity" #indexBy: null } ] "join" => [] "set" => [] "where" => null "groupBy" => [] "having" => null "orderBy" => [] ] -type: Doctrine\ORM\Internal\QueryType {#207454 …} -dql: "SELECT entity FROM Shared\Entity\Main\User entity" -parameters: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#207479 …} -firstResult: 0 -maxResults: null -joinRootAliases: [] #cacheable: false #cacheRegion: null #cacheMode: null #lifetime: 0 -boundCounter: 0 -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} } |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-association" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | false |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207627 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207616 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207635 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207644 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207474 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
ea_css_class | "field-form_tab" |
same as passed value |
ea_help | null |
same as passed value |
ea_tab_id | "tab-meta" |
same as passed value |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205413 -message: "Meta" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
[ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
ea_css_class | "field-form_tab" |
ea_help | null |
ea_tab_id | "tab-meta" |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207651 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205413 -message: "Meta" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207653 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207652 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | "нет мета данных, нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | "нет мета данных, нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
disabled | true |
same as passed value |
label | "Problems" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-text" ] |
[ "class" => "field-text" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | true |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207660 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Problems" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-text" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207662 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207661 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
"" |
Normalized Format | null |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
label | "Og Title" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-text" ] |
[ "class" => "field-text" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207669 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Og Title" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-text" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207671 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207670 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
"" |
Normalized Format | null |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "rows" => 5 "data-ea-textarea-field" => true ] |
[ "rows" => 5 "data-ea-textarea-field" => true ] |
label | "Og Description" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-textarea" ] |
[ "class" => "field-textarea" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [ "rows" => 5 "data-ea-textarea-field" => true ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207678 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Og Description" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-textarea" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207680 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207679 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
"" |
Normalized Format | null |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
help | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205217 -message: "Рекомендуется 50-60 символов" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
same as passed value |
help_html | true |
same as passed value |
label | "Meta Title" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-text" ] |
[ "class" => "field-text" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207687 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205217 -message: "Рекомендуется 50-60 символов" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | true |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Meta Title" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-text" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207689 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207688 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
"" |
Normalized Format | null |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "rows" => 5 "data-ea-textarea-field" => true ] |
[ "rows" => 5 "data-ea-textarea-field" => true ] |
help | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205291 -message: "Рекомендуется максимум 155 символов для ПК и 120 для мобильных устройств" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
same as passed value |
help_html | true |
same as passed value |
label | "Meta Description" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-textarea" ] |
[ "class" => "field-textarea" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [ "rows" => 5 "data-ea-textarea-field" => true ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207696 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205291 -message: "Рекомендуется максимум 155 символов для ПК и 120 для мобильных устройств" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | true |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Meta Description" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-textarea" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207698 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207697 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
"" |
Normalized Format | null |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "rows" => 5 "data-ea-textarea-field" => true ] |
[ "rows" => 5 "data-ea-textarea-field" => true ] |
label | "Keywords" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-textarea" ] |
[ "class" => "field-textarea" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [ "rows" => 5 "data-ea-textarea-field" => true ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207705 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Keywords" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-textarea" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207707 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207706 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
"" |
Normalized Format | null |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
help | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205210 -message: "1-10 (не важно - важно) Используется для составления карты сайта." -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
same as passed value |
help_html | true |
same as passed value |
label | "Priority" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-integer" ] |
[ "class" => "field-integer" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207714 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
grouping | false |
help | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205210 -message: "1-10 (не важно - важно) Используется для составления карты сайта." -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | true |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "Please enter an integer." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Priority" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
rounding_mode | 2 |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-integer" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207716 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207715 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
Normalized Format | false |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "data-ea-align" => "center" ] |
[ "data-ea-align" => "center" ] |
label | "No Index" |
same as passed value |
label_attr | [ "class" => "checkbox-switch" ] |
[ "class" => "checkbox-switch" ] |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-boolean" ] |
[ "class" => "field-boolean" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "data-ea-align" => "center" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#207328 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The checkbox has an invalid value." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#207327 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "No Index" |
label_attr | [ "class" => "checkbox-switch" ] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-boolean" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207725 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207724 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "1" |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
"" |
Normalized Format | null |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
disabled | true |
same as passed value |
label | "URL" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-text" ] |
[ "class" => "field-text" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | true |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207733 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "URL" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-text" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207735 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207734 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
"" |
Normalized Format | null |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
disabled | true |
same as passed value |
html5 | true |
same as passed value |
input | "datetime_immutable" |
same as passed value |
label | "Created At" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-datetime" ] |
[ "class" => "field-datetime" ] |
widget | "single_text" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | false |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
date_format | null |
date_label | null |
date_widget | null |
disabled | true |
empty_data | "" |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
format | "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
html5 | true |
inherit_data | false |
input | "datetime_immutable" |
input_format | "Y-m-d H:i:s" |
invalid_message | "Please enter a valid date and time." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Created At" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
model_timezone | null |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-datetime" ] |
setter | null |
time_label | null |
time_widget | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207752 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207751 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
view_timezone | null |
widget | "single_text" |
with_minutes | true |
with_seconds | false |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
"" |
Normalized Format | null |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
disabled | true |
same as passed value |
html5 | true |
same as passed value |
input | "datetime_immutable" |
same as passed value |
label | "Modified At" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-datetime" ] |
[ "class" => "field-datetime" ] |
widget | "single_text" |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | false |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
date_format | null |
date_label | null |
date_widget | null |
disabled | true |
empty_data | "" |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
format | "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss" |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
html5 | true |
inherit_data | false |
input | "datetime_immutable" |
input_format | "Y-m-d H:i:s" |
invalid_message | "Please enter a valid date and time." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Modified At" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
model_timezone | null |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-datetime" ] |
setter | null |
time_label | null |
time_widget | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207764 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207761 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
view_timezone | null |
widget | "single_text" |
with_minutes | true |
with_seconds | false |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207771 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207773 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207772 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
ea_css_class | "field-form_tab" |
same as passed value |
ea_help | null |
same as passed value |
ea_tab_id | "tab-relations" |
same as passed value |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205356 -message: "Relations" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
[ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
ea_css_class | "field-form_tab" |
ea_help | null |
ea_tab_id | "tab-relations" |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207780 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205356 -message: "Relations" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207782 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207781 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
ea_css_class | "field-form_fieldset" |
same as passed value |
ea_help | null |
same as passed value |
ea_icon | null |
same as passed value |
ea_is_collapsed | false |
same as passed value |
ea_is_collapsible | false |
same as passed value |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205593 -message: "Attached to content" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_fieldset" ] |
[ "class" => "field-form_fieldset" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
ea_css_class | "field-form_fieldset" |
ea_help | null |
ea_icon | null |
ea_is_collapsed | false |
ea_is_collapsible | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207790 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205593 -message: "Attached to content" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_fieldset" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207795 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207789 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#209497 -elements: [] } |
View Format |
[] |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
[] |
Normalized Format | Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#209497 -elements: [] } |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "data-ea-widget" => "ea-autocomplete" "data-ea-autocomplete-render-items-as-html" => "false" ] |
[ "data-ea-widget" => "ea-autocomplete" "data-ea-autocomplete-render-items-as-html" => "false" ] |
class | "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" |
same as passed value |
label | "Extras" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
multiple | true |
same as passed value |
query_builder | Closure(EntityRepository $repository) {#205429 class: "EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Field\Configurator\AssociationConfigurator" use: { $field: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\FieldDto {#205424 …} } } |
Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder {#207804 -dqlParts: [ "distinct" => false "select" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Select {#207805 #preSeparator: "" #separator: ", " #postSeparator: "" #allowedClasses: [ "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func" ] #parts: [ "entity" ] } ] "from" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\From {#207806 #from: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" #alias: "entity" #indexBy: null } ] "join" => [ "entity" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Join {#207808 #joinType: "LEFT" #join: "entity.seo_type" #alias: "stype" #conditionType: null #condition: null #indexBy: null } ] ] "set" => [] "where" => Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Andx {#207853 #preSeparator: "(" #separator: " AND " #postSeparator: ")" #allowedClasses: [ "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Comparison" "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func" "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Orx" "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Andx" ] #parts: [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func {#207856 #arguments: [ ":typenames" ] #name: " NOT IN" } "entity.is_published = true" ] } "groupBy" => [] "having" => null "orderBy" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\OrderBy {#207852 #preSeparator: "" #separator: ", " #postSeparator: "" #allowedClasses: [] #parts: [ "entity.title ASC" ] } ] ] -type: Doctrine\ORM\Internal\QueryType {#207454 …} -dql: "SELECT entity FROM Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent entity LEFT JOIN entity.seo_type stype WHERE NOT IN(:typenames) AND entity.is_published = true ORDER BY entity.title ASC" -parameters: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#207807 …} -firstResult: 0 -maxResults: null -joinRootAliases: [ "stype" => "entity" ] #cacheable: false #cacheRegion: null #cacheMode: null #lifetime: 0 -boundCounter: 0 -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} } |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-association" ] |
[ "class" => "field-association" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [ "data-ea-widget" => "ea-autocomplete" "data-ea-autocomplete-render-items-as-html" => "false" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
choice_attr | null |
choice_filter | null |
choice_label | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceLabel {#207446 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType::createChoiceLabel(object $choice): string {#207461 …} } |
choice_loader | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceLoader {#207812 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\DoctrineChoiceLoader {#207850 …} } |
choice_name | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceFieldName {#207880 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType::createChoiceName(object $choice, string|int $key, string $value): string {#207515 …} } |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choice_value | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceValue {#207849 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\IdReader::getIdValue(?object $object = null): string {#207580 …} } |
choices | null |
class | "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
duplicate_preferred_choices | true |
em | ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} |
empty_data | [] |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
expanded | false |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
group_by | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id_reader | Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\IdReader {#207614 -singleId: true -intId: true -idField: "id" -associationIdReader: null -om: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -classMetadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#913 …} } |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The selected choice is invalid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Extras" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
multiple | true |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
placeholder | null |
placeholder_attr | [] |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preferred_choices | [] |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
query_builder | Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder {#207804 -dqlParts: [ "distinct" => false "select" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Select {#207805 #preSeparator: "" #separator: ", " #postSeparator: "" #allowedClasses: [ "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func" ] #parts: [ "entity" ] } ] "from" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\From {#207806 #from: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" #alias: "entity" #indexBy: null } ] "join" => [ "entity" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Join {#207808 #joinType: "LEFT" #join: "entity.seo_type" #alias: "stype" #conditionType: null #condition: null #indexBy: null } ] ] "set" => [] "where" => Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Andx {#207853 #preSeparator: "(" #separator: " AND " #postSeparator: ")" #allowedClasses: [ "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Comparison" "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func" "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Orx" "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Andx" ] #parts: [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func {#207856 #arguments: [ ":typenames" ] #name: " NOT IN" } "entity.is_published = true" ] } "groupBy" => [] "having" => null "orderBy" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\OrderBy {#207852 #preSeparator: "" #separator: ", " #postSeparator: "" #allowedClasses: [] #parts: [ "entity.title ASC" ] } ] ] -type: Doctrine\ORM\Internal\QueryType {#207454 …} -dql: "SELECT entity FROM Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent entity LEFT JOIN entity.seo_type stype WHERE NOT IN(:typenames) AND entity.is_published = true ORDER BY entity.title ASC" -parameters: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#207807 …} -firstResult: 0 -maxResults: null -joinRootAliases: [ "stype" => "entity" ] #cacheable: false #cacheRegion: null #cacheMode: null #lifetime: 0 -boundCounter: 0 -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} } |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-association" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | false |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207803 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207802 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203363 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#203364 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342 -id: 3927 -meta_title: null -meta_description: null -seoImages: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203343 …} -seoRaw: null -seoVideos: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203345 …} -seoParagraphs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203347 …} -title: "Заказ оформлен" -description: null -slug: "order-complete" -short_title: null -modified_at: DateTimeImmutable @1742095478 {#210101 date: 2025-03-15 22:24:38.994519 America/Chicago (-05:00) } -priority: null -url: "/personal/cart/order-complete" -seo_type: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType {#192881 -id: 21 -name: "custom_page" -title: "Спец страница" -seoContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203534 …} -base_path: null -short_title: "специальное" -site: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203536 …} -is_list: false -child_type: null -parent_type: null -mergedContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203538 …} -root_content: null -is_search: false -is_cart: false -sort_order: null -lazyObjectState: Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal\LazyObjectState {#192882 …} } -parent: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#192873 -id: 3707 -meta_title: " - Моя корзина" -meta_description: "Антэк — надежный поставщик упаковочных материалов" -seoImages: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192874 …} -seoRaw: null -seoVideos: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192876 …} -seoParagraphs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192878 …} -title: "Корзина" -description: null -slug: "cart" -short_title: null -modified_at: DateTimeImmutable @1741650096 {#192872 date: 2025-03-10 18:41:36.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } -priority: null -url: "/personal/cart" -seo_type: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType {#192881} -parent: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#192884 …} -childrens: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192886 …} -oldSlugs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192888 …} -is_published: true -oldUrls: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192890 …} -seoFiles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192892 …} -bitrix_id: null -keywords: null -menu_title: null -seoLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192894 …} -inboundLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192896 …} -attached_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192898 …} -attached_to_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192900 …} -is_problems: true -is_ready: false -problems_string: "нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" -search_string: null -vote_count: null -vote_sum: null -seoProduct: null -meta_ok: true -notice_field: "" -last_edit_user: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\User {#4748 …} -voc_code: null -contentChanges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192902 …} -seoTags: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192904 …} -categories: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192906 …} -products: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192908 …} -constructions: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192910 …} -portfolios: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192912 …} -options: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192914 …} -segments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192916 …} -workers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192918 …} -extras: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192920 …} -seoPortfolio: null -is_ready_pm: false -is_ready_cm: false -og_title: null -og_description: null -short_code: null -source_link: null -created_at: null -merge_to: null -merged: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192922 …} -real_type: null -children_types: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192924 …} -no_index: true +ismenuactive: null -not_menu: false -sort_order: 10 } -childrens: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203349 …} -oldSlugs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203351 …} -is_published: true -oldUrls: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203353 …} -seoFiles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203355 …} -bitrix_id: null -keywords: null -menu_title: null -seoLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203357 …} -inboundLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203359 …} -attached_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203361 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#203362 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342} -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344744 …} -backRefFieldName: "attached_to_content" -isDirty: false -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344746 …} } -attached_to_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203363} -is_problems: true -is_ready: false -problems_string: "нет мета данных, нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" -search_string: null -vote_count: null -vote_sum: null -seoProduct: null -meta_ok: true -notice_field: "" -last_edit_user: Shared\Entity\Main\User {#811 -id: 1 -email: "" -roles: [ "ROLE_USER" "ROLE_ADMIN" "ROLE_SUPERVISOR" "ROLE_SEO" ] -password: "$2y$13$k.kP8UQOoNrjsoZ9ZhhZWOQmPlqLq09IhOh6qmPfAySHV8APUZJc2" -isVerified: true -person: Shared\Entity\Main\Person\Person {#897 …} -user_roles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#823 …} -plain_password: null +ischanged: false -clientBrowsers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#898 …} -is_active: true } -voc_code: null -contentChanges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203365 …} -seoTags: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203367 …} -categories: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203369 …} -products: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203371 …} -constructions: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203373 …} -portfolios: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203375 …} -options: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203377 …} -segments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203379 …} -workers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203381 …} -extras: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203383 …} -seoPortfolio: null -is_ready_pm: false -is_ready_cm: false -og_title: null -og_description: null -short_code: null -source_link: null -created_at: null -merge_to: null -merged: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203385 …} -real_type: null -children_types: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203387 …} -no_index: false +ismenuactive: null -not_menu: true -sort_order: null } -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344840 …} -backRefFieldName: "attached_content" -isDirty: false -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344838 …} } |
View Format |
[] |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
[] |
Normalized Format | Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203363 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#203364 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342 -id: 3927 -meta_title: null -meta_description: null -seoImages: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203343 …} -seoRaw: null -seoVideos: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203345 …} -seoParagraphs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203347 …} -title: "Заказ оформлен" -description: null -slug: "order-complete" -short_title: null -modified_at: DateTimeImmutable @1742095478 {#210101 date: 2025-03-15 22:24:38.994519 America/Chicago (-05:00) } -priority: null -url: "/personal/cart/order-complete" -seo_type: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType {#192881 -id: 21 -name: "custom_page" -title: "Спец страница" -seoContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203534 …} -base_path: null -short_title: "специальное" -site: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203536 …} -is_list: false -child_type: null -parent_type: null -mergedContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203538 …} -root_content: null -is_search: false -is_cart: false -sort_order: null -lazyObjectState: Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal\LazyObjectState {#192882 …} } -parent: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#192873 -id: 3707 -meta_title: " - Моя корзина" -meta_description: "Антэк — надежный поставщик упаковочных материалов" -seoImages: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192874 …} -seoRaw: null -seoVideos: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192876 …} -seoParagraphs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192878 …} -title: "Корзина" -description: null -slug: "cart" -short_title: null -modified_at: DateTimeImmutable @1741650096 {#192872 date: 2025-03-10 18:41:36.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } -priority: null -url: "/personal/cart" -seo_type: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType {#192881} -parent: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#192884 …} -childrens: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192886 …} -oldSlugs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192888 …} -is_published: true -oldUrls: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192890 …} -seoFiles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192892 …} -bitrix_id: null -keywords: null -menu_title: null -seoLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192894 …} -inboundLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192896 …} -attached_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192898 …} -attached_to_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192900 …} -is_problems: true -is_ready: false -problems_string: "нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" -search_string: null -vote_count: null -vote_sum: null -seoProduct: null -meta_ok: true -notice_field: "" -last_edit_user: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\User {#4748 …} -voc_code: null -contentChanges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192902 …} -seoTags: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192904 …} -categories: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192906 …} -products: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192908 …} -constructions: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192910 …} -portfolios: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192912 …} -options: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192914 …} -segments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192916 …} -workers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192918 …} -extras: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192920 …} -seoPortfolio: null -is_ready_pm: false -is_ready_cm: false -og_title: null -og_description: null -short_code: null -source_link: null -created_at: null -merge_to: null -merged: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192922 …} -real_type: null -children_types: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192924 …} -no_index: true +ismenuactive: null -not_menu: false -sort_order: 10 } -childrens: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203349 …} -oldSlugs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203351 …} -is_published: true -oldUrls: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203353 …} -seoFiles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203355 …} -bitrix_id: null -keywords: null -menu_title: null -seoLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203357 …} -inboundLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203359 …} -attached_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203361 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#203362 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342} -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344744 …} -backRefFieldName: "attached_to_content" -isDirty: false -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344746 …} } -attached_to_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203363} -is_problems: true -is_ready: false -problems_string: "нет мета данных, нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" -search_string: null -vote_count: null -vote_sum: null -seoProduct: null -meta_ok: true -notice_field: "" -last_edit_user: Shared\Entity\Main\User {#811 -id: 1 -email: "" -roles: [ "ROLE_USER" "ROLE_ADMIN" "ROLE_SUPERVISOR" "ROLE_SEO" ] -password: "$2y$13$k.kP8UQOoNrjsoZ9ZhhZWOQmPlqLq09IhOh6qmPfAySHV8APUZJc2" -isVerified: true -person: Shared\Entity\Main\Person\Person {#897 …} -user_roles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#823 …} -plain_password: null +ischanged: false -clientBrowsers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#898 …} -is_active: true } -voc_code: null -contentChanges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203365 …} -seoTags: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203367 …} -categories: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203369 …} -products: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203371 …} -constructions: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203373 …} -portfolios: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203375 …} -options: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203377 …} -segments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203379 …} -workers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203381 …} -extras: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203383 …} -seoPortfolio: null -is_ready_pm: false -is_ready_cm: false -og_title: null -og_description: null -short_code: null -source_link: null -created_at: null -merge_to: null -merged: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203385 …} -real_type: null -children_types: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203387 …} -no_index: false +ismenuactive: null -not_menu: true -sort_order: null } -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344840 …} -backRefFieldName: "attached_content" -isDirty: false -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344838 …} } |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "data-ea-widget" => "ea-autocomplete" "data-ea-autocomplete-render-items-as-html" => "false" ] |
[ "data-ea-widget" => "ea-autocomplete" "data-ea-autocomplete-render-items-as-html" => "false" ] |
class | "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" |
same as passed value |
disabled | true |
same as passed value |
label | "Attached all" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
multiple | true |
same as passed value |
query_builder | Closure(EntityRepository $repository) {#205324 class: "EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Field\Configurator\AssociationConfigurator" use: { $field: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\FieldDto {#205329 …} } } |
Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder {#207823 -dqlParts: [ "distinct" => false "select" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Select {#207824 #preSeparator: "" #separator: ", " #postSeparator: "" #allowedClasses: [ "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func" ] #parts: [ "entity" ] } ] "from" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\From {#207825 #from: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" #alias: "entity" #indexBy: null } ] "join" => [] "set" => [] "where" => null "groupBy" => [] "having" => null "orderBy" => [] ] -type: Doctrine\ORM\Internal\QueryType {#207454 …} -dql: "SELECT entity FROM Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent entity" -parameters: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#207826 …} -firstResult: 0 -maxResults: null -joinRootAliases: [] #cacheable: false #cacheRegion: null #cacheMode: null #lifetime: 0 -boundCounter: 0 -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} } |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-association" ] |
[ "class" => "field-association" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [ "data-ea-widget" => "ea-autocomplete" "data-ea-autocomplete-render-items-as-html" => "false" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
choice_attr | null |
choice_filter | null |
choice_label | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceLabel {#207446 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType::createChoiceLabel(object $choice): string {#207461 …} } |
choice_loader | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceLoader {#207840 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\DoctrineChoiceLoader {#207828 …} } |
choice_name | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceFieldName {#207811 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType::createChoiceName(object $choice, string|int $key, string $value): string {#207515 …} } |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choice_value | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceValue {#207829 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\IdReader::getIdValue(?object $object = null): string {#207580 …} } |
choices | null |
class | "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | true |
duplicate_preferred_choices | true |
em | ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} |
empty_data | [] |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
expanded | false |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
group_by | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id_reader | Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\IdReader {#207614 -singleId: true -intId: true -idField: "id" -associationIdReader: null -om: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -classMetadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#913 …} } |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The selected choice is invalid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Attached all" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
multiple | true |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
placeholder | null |
placeholder_attr | [] |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preferred_choices | [] |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
query_builder | Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder {#207823 -dqlParts: [ "distinct" => false "select" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Select {#207824 #preSeparator: "" #separator: ", " #postSeparator: "" #allowedClasses: [ "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func" ] #parts: [ "entity" ] } ] "from" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\From {#207825 #from: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" #alias: "entity" #indexBy: null } ] "join" => [] "set" => [] "where" => null "groupBy" => [] "having" => null "orderBy" => [] ] -type: Doctrine\ORM\Internal\QueryType {#207454 …} -dql: "SELECT entity FROM Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent entity" -parameters: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#207826 …} -firstResult: 0 -maxResults: null -joinRootAliases: [] #cacheable: false #cacheRegion: null #cacheMode: null #lifetime: 0 -boundCounter: 0 -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} } |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-association" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | false |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207822 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207817 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207862 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207857 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207844 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
ea_css_class | "field-form_fieldset" |
same as passed value |
ea_help | null |
same as passed value |
ea_icon | null |
same as passed value |
ea_is_collapsed | false |
same as passed value |
ea_is_collapsible | false |
same as passed value |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205748 -message: "Attached content" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_fieldset" ] |
[ "class" => "field-form_fieldset" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
ea_css_class | "field-form_fieldset" |
ea_help | null |
ea_icon | null |
ea_is_collapsed | false |
ea_is_collapsible | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207874 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205748 -message: "Attached content" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_fieldset" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207873 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207872 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203361 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#203362 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342 -id: 3927 -meta_title: null -meta_description: null -seoImages: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203343 …} -seoRaw: null -seoVideos: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203345 …} -seoParagraphs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203347 …} -title: "Заказ оформлен" -description: null -slug: "order-complete" -short_title: null -modified_at: DateTimeImmutable @1742095478 {#210101 date: 2025-03-15 22:24:38.994519 America/Chicago (-05:00) } -priority: null -url: "/personal/cart/order-complete" -seo_type: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType {#192881 -id: 21 -name: "custom_page" -title: "Спец страница" -seoContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203534 …} -base_path: null -short_title: "специальное" -site: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203536 …} -is_list: false -child_type: null -parent_type: null -mergedContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203538 …} -root_content: null -is_search: false -is_cart: false -sort_order: null -lazyObjectState: Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal\LazyObjectState {#192882 …} } -parent: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#192873 -id: 3707 -meta_title: " - Моя корзина" -meta_description: "Антэк — надежный поставщик упаковочных материалов" -seoImages: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192874 …} -seoRaw: null -seoVideos: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192876 …} -seoParagraphs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192878 …} -title: "Корзина" -description: null -slug: "cart" -short_title: null -modified_at: DateTimeImmutable @1741650096 {#192872 date: 2025-03-10 18:41:36.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } -priority: null -url: "/personal/cart" -seo_type: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType {#192881} -parent: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#192884 …} -childrens: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192886 …} -oldSlugs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192888 …} -is_published: true -oldUrls: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192890 …} -seoFiles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192892 …} -bitrix_id: null -keywords: null -menu_title: null -seoLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192894 …} -inboundLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192896 …} -attached_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192898 …} -attached_to_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192900 …} -is_problems: true -is_ready: false -problems_string: "нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" -search_string: null -vote_count: null -vote_sum: null -seoProduct: null -meta_ok: true -notice_field: "" -last_edit_user: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\User {#4748 …} -voc_code: null -contentChanges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192902 …} -seoTags: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192904 …} -categories: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192906 …} -products: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192908 …} -constructions: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192910 …} -portfolios: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192912 …} -options: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192914 …} -segments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192916 …} -workers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192918 …} -extras: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192920 …} -seoPortfolio: null -is_ready_pm: false -is_ready_cm: false -og_title: null -og_description: null -short_code: null -source_link: null -created_at: null -merge_to: null -merged: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192922 …} -real_type: null -children_types: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192924 …} -no_index: true +ismenuactive: null -not_menu: false -sort_order: 10 } -childrens: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203349 …} -oldSlugs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203351 …} -is_published: true -oldUrls: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203353 …} -seoFiles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203355 …} -bitrix_id: null -keywords: null -menu_title: null -seoLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203357 …} -inboundLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203359 …} -attached_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203361} -attached_to_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203363 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#203364 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342} -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344840 …} -backRefFieldName: "attached_content" -isDirty: false -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344838 …} } -is_problems: true -is_ready: false -problems_string: "нет мета данных, нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" -search_string: null -vote_count: null -vote_sum: null -seoProduct: null -meta_ok: true -notice_field: "" -last_edit_user: Shared\Entity\Main\User {#811 -id: 1 -email: "" -roles: [ "ROLE_USER" "ROLE_ADMIN" "ROLE_SUPERVISOR" "ROLE_SEO" ] -password: "$2y$13$k.kP8UQOoNrjsoZ9ZhhZWOQmPlqLq09IhOh6qmPfAySHV8APUZJc2" -isVerified: true -person: Shared\Entity\Main\Person\Person {#897 …} -user_roles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#823 …} -plain_password: null +ischanged: false -clientBrowsers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#898 …} -is_active: true } -voc_code: null -contentChanges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203365 …} -seoTags: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203367 …} -categories: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203369 …} -products: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203371 …} -constructions: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203373 …} -portfolios: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203375 …} -options: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203377 …} -segments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203379 …} -workers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203381 …} -extras: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203383 …} -seoPortfolio: null -is_ready_pm: false -is_ready_cm: false -og_title: null -og_description: null -short_code: null -source_link: null -created_at: null -merge_to: null -merged: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203385 …} -real_type: null -children_types: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203387 …} -no_index: false +ismenuactive: null -not_menu: true -sort_order: null } -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344744 …} -backRefFieldName: "attached_to_content" -isDirty: false -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344746 …} } |
View Format |
[] |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
[] |
Normalized Format | Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203361 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#203362 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342 -id: 3927 -meta_title: null -meta_description: null -seoImages: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203343 …} -seoRaw: null -seoVideos: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203345 …} -seoParagraphs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203347 …} -title: "Заказ оформлен" -description: null -slug: "order-complete" -short_title: null -modified_at: DateTimeImmutable @1742095478 {#210101 date: 2025-03-15 22:24:38.994519 America/Chicago (-05:00) } -priority: null -url: "/personal/cart/order-complete" -seo_type: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType {#192881 -id: 21 -name: "custom_page" -title: "Спец страница" -seoContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203534 …} -base_path: null -short_title: "специальное" -site: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203536 …} -is_list: false -child_type: null -parent_type: null -mergedContents: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203538 …} -root_content: null -is_search: false -is_cart: false -sort_order: null -lazyObjectState: Symfony\Component\VarExporter\Internal\LazyObjectState {#192882 …} } -parent: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#192873 -id: 3707 -meta_title: " - Моя корзина" -meta_description: "Антэк — надежный поставщик упаковочных материалов" -seoImages: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192874 …} -seoRaw: null -seoVideos: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192876 …} -seoParagraphs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192878 …} -title: "Корзина" -description: null -slug: "cart" -short_title: null -modified_at: DateTimeImmutable @1741650096 {#192872 date: 2025-03-10 18:41:36.0 America/Chicago (-05:00) } -priority: null -url: "/personal/cart" -seo_type: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoType {#192881} -parent: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#192884 …} -childrens: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192886 …} -oldSlugs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192888 …} -is_published: true -oldUrls: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192890 …} -seoFiles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192892 …} -bitrix_id: null -keywords: null -menu_title: null -seoLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192894 …} -inboundLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192896 …} -attached_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192898 …} -attached_to_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192900 …} -is_problems: true -is_ready: false -problems_string: "нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" -search_string: null -vote_count: null -vote_sum: null -seoProduct: null -meta_ok: true -notice_field: "" -last_edit_user: Proxies\__CG__\Shared\Entity\Main\User {#4748 …} -voc_code: null -contentChanges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192902 …} -seoTags: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192904 …} -categories: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192906 …} -products: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192908 …} -constructions: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192910 …} -portfolios: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192912 …} -options: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192914 …} -segments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192916 …} -workers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192918 …} -extras: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192920 …} -seoPortfolio: null -is_ready_pm: false -is_ready_cm: false -og_title: null -og_description: null -short_code: null -source_link: null -created_at: null -merge_to: null -merged: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192922 …} -real_type: null -children_types: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#192924 …} -no_index: true +ismenuactive: null -not_menu: false -sort_order: 10 } -childrens: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203349 …} -oldSlugs: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203351 …} -is_published: true -oldUrls: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203353 …} -seoFiles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203355 …} -bitrix_id: null -keywords: null -menu_title: null -seoLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203357 …} -inboundLinks: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203359 …} -attached_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203361} -attached_to_content: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203363 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#203364 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent {#203342} -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344840 …} -backRefFieldName: "attached_content" -isDirty: false -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344838 …} } -is_problems: true -is_ready: false -problems_string: "нет мета данных, нет изображений, содержание меньше 500 символов" -search_string: null -vote_count: null -vote_sum: null -seoProduct: null -meta_ok: true -notice_field: "" -last_edit_user: Shared\Entity\Main\User {#811 -id: 1 -email: "" -roles: [ "ROLE_USER" "ROLE_ADMIN" "ROLE_SUPERVISOR" "ROLE_SEO" ] -password: "$2y$13$k.kP8UQOoNrjsoZ9ZhhZWOQmPlqLq09IhOh6qmPfAySHV8APUZJc2" -isVerified: true -person: Shared\Entity\Main\Person\Person {#897 …} -user_roles: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#823 …} -plain_password: null +ischanged: false -clientBrowsers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#898 …} -is_active: true } -voc_code: null -contentChanges: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203365 …} -seoTags: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203367 …} -categories: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203369 …} -products: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203371 …} -constructions: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203373 …} -portfolios: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203375 …} -options: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203377 …} -segments: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203379 …} -workers: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203381 …} -extras: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203383 …} -seoPortfolio: null -is_ready_pm: false -is_ready_cm: false -og_title: null -og_description: null -short_code: null -source_link: null -created_at: null -merge_to: null -merged: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203385 …} -real_type: null -children_types: Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#203387 …} -no_index: false +ismenuactive: null -not_menu: true -sort_order: null } -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344744 …} -backRefFieldName: "attached_to_content" -isDirty: false -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#344746 …} } |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "data-ea-widget" => "ea-autocomplete" "data-ea-autocomplete-render-items-as-html" => "false" ] |
[ "data-ea-widget" => "ea-autocomplete" "data-ea-autocomplete-render-items-as-html" => "false" ] |
class | "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" |
same as passed value |
label | "" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
multiple | true |
same as passed value |
query_builder | Closure(EntityRepository $repository) {#205787 class: "EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Field\Configurator\AssociationConfigurator" use: { $field: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\FieldDto {#205337 …} } } |
Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder {#207883 -dqlParts: [ "distinct" => false "select" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Select {#207885 #preSeparator: "" #separator: ", " #postSeparator: "" #allowedClasses: [ "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func" ] #parts: [ "entity" ] } ] "from" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\From {#207886 #from: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" #alias: "entity" #indexBy: null } ] "join" => [] "set" => [] "where" => null "groupBy" => [] "having" => null "orderBy" => [] ] -type: Doctrine\ORM\Internal\QueryType {#207454 …} -dql: "SELECT entity FROM Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent entity" -parameters: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#207887 …} -firstResult: 0 -maxResults: null -joinRootAliases: [] #cacheable: false #cacheRegion: null #cacheMode: null #lifetime: 0 -boundCounter: 0 -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} } |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-association" ] |
[ "class" => "field-association" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [ "data-ea-widget" => "ea-autocomplete" "data-ea-autocomplete-render-items-as-html" => "false" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
choice_attr | null |
choice_filter | null |
choice_label | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceLabel {#207446 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType::createChoiceLabel(object $choice): string {#207461 …} } |
choice_loader | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceLoader {#207890 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\DoctrineChoiceLoader {#207828 …} } |
choice_name | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceFieldName {#207889 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType::createChoiceName(object $choice, string|int $key, string $value): string {#207515 …} } |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choice_value | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceValue {#207892 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\IdReader::getIdValue(?object $object = null): string {#207580 …} } |
choices | null |
class | "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
duplicate_preferred_choices | true |
em | ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} |
empty_data | [] |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
expanded | false |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
group_by | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id_reader | Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\IdReader {#207614 -singleId: true -intId: true -idField: "id" -associationIdReader: null -om: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -classMetadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#913 …} } |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The selected choice is invalid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
multiple | true |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
placeholder | null |
placeholder_attr | [] |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preferred_choices | [] |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
query_builder | Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder {#207883 -dqlParts: [ "distinct" => false "select" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Select {#207885 #preSeparator: "" #separator: ", " #postSeparator: "" #allowedClasses: [ "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func" ] #parts: [ "entity" ] } ] "from" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\From {#207886 #from: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" #alias: "entity" #indexBy: null } ] "join" => [] "set" => [] "where" => null "groupBy" => [] "having" => null "orderBy" => [] ] -type: Doctrine\ORM\Internal\QueryType {#207454 …} -dql: "SELECT entity FROM Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent entity" -parameters: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#207887 …} -firstResult: 0 -maxResults: null -joinRootAliases: [] #cacheable: false #cacheRegion: null #cacheMode: null #lifetime: 0 -boundCounter: 0 -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} } |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-association" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | false |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207884 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207882 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207904 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207906 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207905 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207913 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207915 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207914 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
ea_css_class | "field-form_tab" |
same as passed value |
ea_help | null |
same as passed value |
ea_tab_id | "tab-paragraphs" |
same as passed value |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205797 -message: "Paragraphs" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
[ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
ea_css_class | "field-form_tab" |
ea_help | null |
ea_tab_id | "tab-paragraphs" |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207922 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205797 -message: "Paragraphs" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207924 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207923 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
ea_is_inside_tab | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
ea_is_inside_tab | true |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207932 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207937 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207931 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
label | null |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_column col-md-6" ] |
[ "class" => "field-form_column col-md-6" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207945 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_column col-md-6" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207950 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207944 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#209520 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#209521 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: null -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346706 …} -backRefFieldName: "content" -isDirty: true -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346708 …} } |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#209520 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#209521 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: null -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346706 …} -backRefFieldName: "content" -isDirty: true -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346708 …} } |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
allow_add | true |
same as passed value |
allow_delete | true |
same as passed value |
by_reference | false |
same as passed value |
delete_empty | true |
same as passed value |
entry_options | [ "label" => false "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#205495 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoParagraph" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1348 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#205895 …} -actions: null } ] |
[ "label" => false "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#205495 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoParagraph" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1348 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#205895 …} -actions: null } "block_name" => "entry" ] |
entry_type | "EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Form\Type\CrudFormType" |
same as passed value |
label | "Seo Paragraphs" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
prototype_name | "__seoParagraphsname__" |
same as passed value |
prototype_options | [ "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#205886 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoParagraph" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1348 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#205983 …} -actions: null } ] |
[ "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#205886 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoParagraph" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1348 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#205983 …} -actions: null } ] |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-collection" ] |
[ "class" => "field-collection" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_add | true |
allow_delete | true |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | false |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
delete_empty | true |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#207964 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
entry_options | [ "label" => false "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#205495 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoParagraph" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1348 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#205895 …} -actions: null } "block_name" => "entry" ] |
entry_type | "EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Form\Type\CrudFormType" |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The collection is invalid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Seo Paragraphs" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
prototype | true |
prototype_data | null |
prototype_name | "__seoParagraphsname__" |
prototype_options | [ "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#205886 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoParagraph" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1348 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#205983 …} -actions: null } ] |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-collection" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207958 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#207959 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208032 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#207986 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208041 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
label | null |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_column col-md-6" ] |
[ "class" => "field-form_column col-md-6" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208092 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_column col-md-6" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#208094 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208093 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
ea_css_class | "field-form_fieldset" |
same as passed value |
ea_help | null |
same as passed value |
ea_icon | null |
same as passed value |
ea_is_collapsed | false |
same as passed value |
ea_is_collapsible | false |
same as passed value |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205560 -message: "Содержание в виде кода" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_fieldset" ] |
[ "class" => "field-form_fieldset" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
ea_css_class | "field-form_fieldset" |
ea_help | null |
ea_icon | null |
ea_is_collapsed | false |
ea_is_collapsible | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208101 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205560 -message: "Содержание в виде кода" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_fieldset" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#208103 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208102 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | "-" |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | "-" |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "rows" => 5 "data-ea-textarea-field" => true ] |
[ "rows" => 5 "data-ea-textarea-field" => true ] |
block_name | "raw_html_vew" |
same as passed value |
disabled | true |
same as passed value |
label | false |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-textarea" ] |
[ "class" => "field-textarea" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [ "rows" => 5 "data-ea-textarea-field" => true ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | "raw_html_vew" |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | true |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208110 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | false |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-textarea" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#208112 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208111 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208119 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#208121 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208120 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
ea_css_class | "field-form_fieldset" |
same as passed value |
ea_help | null |
same as passed value |
ea_icon | null |
same as passed value |
ea_is_collapsed | false |
same as passed value |
ea_is_collapsible | false |
same as passed value |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205485 -message: "Сылка на источник" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_fieldset" ] |
[ "class" => "field-form_fieldset" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
ea_css_class | "field-form_fieldset" |
ea_help | null |
ea_icon | null |
ea_is_collapsed | false |
ea_is_collapsible | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208128 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205485 -message: "Сылка на источник" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_fieldset" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#208130 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208129 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
"" |
Normalized Format | null |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
label | false |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-text" ] |
[ "class" => "field-text" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208137 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | false |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-text" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#208139 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208138 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208146 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#208148 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208147 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208155 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#208157 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208156 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
ea_is_inside_tab | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
ea_is_inside_tab | true |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208165 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#208170 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208164 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208177 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#208179 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208178 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
ea_css_class | "field-form_tab" |
same as passed value |
ea_help | null |
same as passed value |
ea_tab_id | "tab-images" |
same as passed value |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205438 -message: "Images" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
[ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
ea_css_class | "field-form_tab" |
ea_help | null |
ea_tab_id | "tab-images" |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208186 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205438 -message: "Images" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#208188 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208187 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#209552 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#209553 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: null -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346808 …} -backRefFieldName: "content" -isDirty: true -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346810 …} } |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#209552 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#209553 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: null -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346808 …} -backRefFieldName: "content" -isDirty: true -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346810 …} } |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
allow_add | true |
same as passed value |
allow_delete | true |
same as passed value |
by_reference | false |
same as passed value |
delete_empty | true |
same as passed value |
entry_options | [ "label" => false "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206034 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoImage" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1387 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206165 …} -actions: null } ] |
[ "label" => false "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206034 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoImage" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1387 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206165 …} -actions: null } "block_name" => "entry" ] |
entry_type | "EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Form\Type\CrudFormType" |
same as passed value |
label | false |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
prototype_name | "__seoImagesname__" |
same as passed value |
prototype_options | [ "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206155 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoImage" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1387 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206344 …} -actions: null } ] |
[ "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206155 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoImage" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1387 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206344 …} -actions: null } ] |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-collection" ] |
[ "class" => "field-collection" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_add | true |
allow_delete | true |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | false |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
delete_empty | true |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208195 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
entry_options | [ "label" => false "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206034 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoImage" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1387 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206165 …} -actions: null } "block_name" => "entry" ] |
entry_type | "EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Form\Type\CrudFormType" |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The collection is invalid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | false |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
prototype | true |
prototype_data | null |
prototype_name | "__seoImagesname__" |
prototype_options | [ "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206155 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoImage" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1387 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206344 …} -actions: null } ] |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-collection" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#208197 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208196 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208364 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#208339 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208355 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
ea_css_class | "field-form_tab" |
same as passed value |
ea_help | null |
same as passed value |
ea_tab_id | "tab-videos" |
same as passed value |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#206334 -message: "Videos" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
[ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
ea_css_class | "field-form_tab" |
ea_help | null |
ea_tab_id | "tab-videos" |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208269 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#206334 -message: "Videos" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#208393 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208252 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#209562 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#209563 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: null -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346838 …} -backRefFieldName: "content" -isDirty: true -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346840 …} } |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#209562 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#209563 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: null -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346838 …} -backRefFieldName: "content" -isDirty: true -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346840 …} } |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
allow_add | true |
same as passed value |
allow_delete | true |
same as passed value |
by_reference | false |
same as passed value |
delete_empty | true |
same as passed value |
entry_options | [ "label" => false "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206300 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoVideo" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1381 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206513 …} -actions: null } ] |
[ "label" => false "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206300 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoVideo" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1381 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206513 …} -actions: null } "block_name" => "entry" ] |
entry_type | "EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Form\Type\CrudFormType" |
same as passed value |
label | false |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
prototype_name | "__seoVideosname__" |
same as passed value |
prototype_options | [ "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206504 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoVideo" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1381 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206642 …} -actions: null } ] |
[ "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206504 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoVideo" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1381 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206642 …} -actions: null } ] |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-collection" ] |
[ "class" => "field-collection" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_add | true |
allow_delete | true |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | false |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
delete_empty | true |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208444 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
entry_options | [ "label" => false "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206300 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoVideo" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1381 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206513 …} -actions: null } "block_name" => "entry" ] |
entry_type | "EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Form\Type\CrudFormType" |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The collection is invalid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | false |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
prototype | true |
prototype_data | null |
prototype_name | "__seoVideosname__" |
prototype_options | [ "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206504 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoVideo" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1381 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206642 …} -actions: null } ] |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-collection" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#208472 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208476 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208573 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#208555 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208564 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
ea_css_class | "field-form_tab" |
same as passed value |
ea_help | null |
same as passed value |
ea_tab_id | "tab-files" |
same as passed value |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#206633 -message: "Files" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
[ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
ea_css_class | "field-form_tab" |
ea_help | null |
ea_tab_id | "tab-files" |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208596 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#206633 -message: "Files" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#208506 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208586 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#209572 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#209573 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: null -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346868 …} -backRefFieldName: "content" -isDirty: true -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346870 …} } |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#209572 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#209573 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: null -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346868 …} -backRefFieldName: "content" -isDirty: true -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346870 …} } |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
allow_add | true |
same as passed value |
allow_delete | true |
same as passed value |
by_reference | false |
same as passed value |
delete_empty | true |
same as passed value |
entry_options | [ "label" => false "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206096 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoFile" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1496 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206741 …} -actions: null } ] |
[ "label" => false "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206096 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoFile" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1496 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206741 …} -actions: null } "block_name" => "entry" ] |
entry_type | "EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Form\Type\CrudFormType" |
same as passed value |
label | false |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
prototype_name | "__seoFilesname__" |
same as passed value |
prototype_options | [ "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206734 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoFile" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1496 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206805 …} -actions: null } ] |
[ "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206734 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoFile" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1496 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206805 …} -actions: null } ] |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-collection" ] |
[ "class" => "field-collection" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_add | true |
allow_delete | true |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | false |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
delete_empty | true |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208683 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
entry_options | [ "label" => false "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206096 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoFile" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1496 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206741 …} -actions: null } "block_name" => "entry" ] |
entry_type | "EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Form\Type\CrudFormType" |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The collection is invalid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | false |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
prototype | true |
prototype_data | null |
prototype_name | "__seoFilesname__" |
prototype_options | [ "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206734 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoFile" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1496 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206805 …} -actions: null } ] |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-collection" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#208687 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208686 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208746 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#208728 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208737 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
ea_css_class | "field-form_tab" |
same as passed value |
ea_help | null |
same as passed value |
ea_tab_id | "tab-redirects" |
same as passed value |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#206798 -message: "Redirects" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
[ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
ea_css_class | "field-form_tab" |
ea_help | null |
ea_tab_id | "tab-redirects" |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208795 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#206798 -message: "Redirects" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#208812 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208796 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
ea_css_class | "field-form_fieldset" |
same as passed value |
ea_help | null |
same as passed value |
ea_icon | null |
same as passed value |
ea_is_collapsed | false |
same as passed value |
ea_is_collapsible | false |
same as passed value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
ea_css_class | "field-form_fieldset" |
ea_help | null |
ea_icon | null |
ea_is_collapsed | false |
ea_is_collapsible | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208818 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#208820 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208819 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#209584 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#209585 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: null -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346905 …} -backRefFieldName: "content" -isDirty: true -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346907 …} } |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#209584 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#209585 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: null -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346905 …} -backRefFieldName: "content" -isDirty: true -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346907 …} } |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
allow_add | true |
same as passed value |
allow_delete | true |
same as passed value |
by_reference | false |
same as passed value |
delete_empty | true |
same as passed value |
entry_options | [ "label" => false "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206697 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\OldSlug" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1481 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206870 …} -actions: null } ] |
[ "label" => false "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206697 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\OldSlug" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1481 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206870 …} -actions: null } "block_name" => "entry" ] |
entry_type | "EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Form\Type\CrudFormType" |
same as passed value |
label | "Old slugs" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
prototype_name | "__oldSlugsname__" |
same as passed value |
prototype_options | [ "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206862 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\OldSlug" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1481 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206912 …} -actions: null } ] |
[ "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206862 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\OldSlug" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1481 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206912 …} -actions: null } ] |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-collection" ] |
[ "class" => "field-collection" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_add | true |
allow_delete | true |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | false |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
delete_empty | true |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208827 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
entry_options | [ "label" => false "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206697 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\OldSlug" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1481 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206870 …} -actions: null } "block_name" => "entry" ] |
entry_type | "EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Form\Type\CrudFormType" |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The collection is invalid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Old slugs" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
prototype | true |
prototype_data | null |
prototype_name | "__oldSlugsname__" |
prototype_options | [ "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206862 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\OldSlug" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1481 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206912 …} -actions: null } ] |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-collection" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#208829 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208828 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#209590 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#209591 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: null -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346920 …} -backRefFieldName: "content" -isDirty: true -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346922 …} } |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#209590 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#209591 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: null -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346920 …} -backRefFieldName: "content" -isDirty: true -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346922 …} } |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
allow_add | true |
same as passed value |
allow_delete | true |
same as passed value |
by_reference | false |
same as passed value |
delete_empty | true |
same as passed value |
entry_options | [ "label" => false "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206894 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\OldUrl" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1483 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206969 …} -actions: null } ] |
[ "label" => false "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206894 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\OldUrl" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1483 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206969 …} -actions: null } "block_name" => "entry" ] |
entry_type | "EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Form\Type\CrudFormType" |
same as passed value |
label | "Old urls" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
prototype_name | "__oldUrlsname__" |
same as passed value |
prototype_options | [ "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206961 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\OldUrl" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1483 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#207012 …} -actions: null } ] |
[ "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206961 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\OldUrl" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1483 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#207012 …} -actions: null } ] |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-collection" ] |
[ "class" => "field-collection" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_add | true |
allow_delete | true |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | false |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
delete_empty | true |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208885 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
entry_options | [ "label" => false "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206894 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\OldUrl" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1483 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#206969 …} -actions: null } "block_name" => "entry" ] |
entry_type | "EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Form\Type\CrudFormType" |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The collection is invalid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Old urls" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
prototype | true |
prototype_data | null |
prototype_name | "__oldUrlsname__" |
prototype_options | [ "entityDto" => EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#206961 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\OldUrl" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1483 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#207012 …} -actions: null } ] |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-collection" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#208859 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208876 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#208969 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#208943 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#208960 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
ea_css_class | "field-form_fieldset" |
same as passed value |
ea_help | null |
same as passed value |
ea_icon | null |
same as passed value |
ea_is_collapsed | false |
same as passed value |
ea_is_collapsible | false |
same as passed value |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#207003 -message: "Merge" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_fieldset" ] |
[ "class" => "field-form_fieldset" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
ea_css_class | "field-form_fieldset" |
ea_help | null |
ea_icon | null |
ea_is_collapsed | false |
ea_is_collapsible | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#209004 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#207003 -message: "Merge" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_fieldset" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#209006 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#209005 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
"" |
Normalized Format | null |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "data-ea-widget" => "ea-autocomplete" "data-ea-autocomplete-render-items-as-html" => "false" "placeholder" => Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205348 -message: "label.form.empty_value" -parameters: [] -domain: "EasyAdminBundle" } ] |
[ "data-ea-widget" => "ea-autocomplete" "data-ea-autocomplete-render-items-as-html" => "false" "placeholder" => Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205348 -message: "label.form.empty_value" -parameters: [] -domain: "EasyAdminBundle" } ] |
class | "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" |
same as passed value |
label | "Merge To" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
query_builder | Closure(EntityRepository $repository) {#206957 class: "EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Field\Configurator\AssociationConfigurator" use: { $field: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\FieldDto {#205353 …} } } |
Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder {#209015 -dqlParts: [ "distinct" => false "select" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Select {#209016 #preSeparator: "" #separator: ", " #postSeparator: "" #allowedClasses: [ "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func" ] #parts: [ "entity" ] } ] "from" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\From {#209017 #from: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" #alias: "entity" #indexBy: null } ] "join" => [] "set" => [] "where" => null "groupBy" => [] "having" => null "orderBy" => [] ] -type: Doctrine\ORM\Internal\QueryType {#207454 …} -dql: "SELECT entity FROM Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent entity" -parameters: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#209018 …} -firstResult: 0 -maxResults: null -joinRootAliases: [] #cacheable: false #cacheRegion: null #cacheMode: null #lifetime: 0 -boundCounter: 0 -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} } |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-association" ] |
[ "class" => "field-association" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [ "data-ea-widget" => "ea-autocomplete" "data-ea-autocomplete-render-items-as-html" => "false" "placeholder" => Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#205348 -message: "label.form.empty_value" -parameters: [] -domain: "EasyAdminBundle" } ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
choice_attr | null |
choice_filter | null |
choice_label | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceLabel {#207446 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType::createChoiceLabel(object $choice): string {#207461 …} } |
choice_loader | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceLoader {#209021 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\DoctrineChoiceLoader {#207828 …} } |
choice_name | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceFieldName {#209020 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType::createChoiceName(object $choice, string|int $key, string $value): string {#207515 …} } |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choice_value | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceValue {#209023 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\IdReader::getIdValue(?object $object = null): string {#207580 …} } |
choices | null |
class | "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
duplicate_preferred_choices | true |
em | ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} |
empty_data | "" |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
expanded | false |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
group_by | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id_reader | Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\IdReader {#207614 -singleId: true -intId: true -idField: "id" -associationIdReader: null -om: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -classMetadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#913 …} } |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The selected choice is invalid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Merge To" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
multiple | false |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
placeholder | "" |
placeholder_attr | [] |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preferred_choices | [] |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
query_builder | Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder {#209015 -dqlParts: [ "distinct" => false "select" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Select {#209016 #preSeparator: "" #separator: ", " #postSeparator: "" #allowedClasses: [ "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func" ] #parts: [ "entity" ] } ] "from" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\From {#209017 #from: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" #alias: "entity" #indexBy: null } ] "join" => [] "set" => [] "where" => null "groupBy" => [] "having" => null "orderBy" => [] ] -type: Doctrine\ORM\Internal\QueryType {#207454 …} -dql: "SELECT entity FROM Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent entity" -parameters: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#209018 …} -firstResult: 0 -maxResults: null -joinRootAliases: [] #cacheable: false #cacheRegion: null #cacheMode: null #lifetime: 0 -boundCounter: 0 -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} } |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-association" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | false |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#209014 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#209013 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection {#209603 #collection: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#209604 …} #initialized: true -snapshot: [] -owner: null -association: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346981 …} -backRefFieldName: "merge_to" -isDirty: true -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -typeClass: Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Caster\CutStub {#346983 …} } |
View Format |
[] |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
[] |
Normalized Format | Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#209876 -elements: [] } |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "data-ea-widget" => "ea-autocomplete" "data-ea-autocomplete-render-items-as-html" => "false" ] |
[ "data-ea-widget" => "ea-autocomplete" "data-ea-autocomplete-render-items-as-html" => "false" ] |
by_reference | false |
same as passed value |
class | "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" |
same as passed value |
label | "Merged" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
multiple | true |
same as passed value |
query_builder | Closure(EntityRepository $repository) {#206970 class: "EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Field\Configurator\AssociationConfigurator" use: { $field: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\FieldDto {#205345 …} } } |
Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder {#209032 -dqlParts: [ "distinct" => false "select" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Select {#209033 #preSeparator: "" #separator: ", " #postSeparator: "" #allowedClasses: [ "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func" ] #parts: [ "entity" ] } ] "from" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\From {#209034 #from: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" #alias: "entity" #indexBy: null } ] "join" => [] "set" => [] "where" => null "groupBy" => [] "having" => null "orderBy" => [] ] -type: Doctrine\ORM\Internal\QueryType {#207454 …} -dql: "SELECT entity FROM Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent entity" -parameters: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#209035 …} -firstResult: 0 -maxResults: null -joinRootAliases: [] #cacheable: false #cacheRegion: null #cacheMode: null #lifetime: 0 -boundCounter: 0 -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} } |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-association" ] |
[ "class" => "field-association" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [ "data-ea-widget" => "ea-autocomplete" "data-ea-autocomplete-render-items-as-html" => "false" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | false |
choice_attr | null |
choice_filter | null |
choice_label | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceLabel {#207446 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType::createChoiceLabel(object $choice): string {#207461 …} } |
choice_loader | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceLoader {#209038 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\DoctrineChoiceLoader {#207828 …} } |
choice_name | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceFieldName {#209037 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\Type\DoctrineType::createChoiceName(object $choice, string|int $key, string $value): string {#207515 …} } |
choice_translation_domain | false |
choice_translation_parameters | [] |
choice_value | Symfony\Component\Form\ChoiceList\Factory\Cache\ChoiceValue {#209040 -option: Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\IdReader::getIdValue(?object $object = null): string {#207580 …} } |
choices | null |
class | "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
duplicate_preferred_choices | true |
em | ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} |
empty_data | [] |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
expanded | false |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
group_by | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id_reader | Symfony\Bridge\Doctrine\Form\ChoiceList\IdReader {#207614 -singleId: true -intId: true -idField: "id" -associationIdReader: null -om: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} -classMetadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#913 …} } |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "The selected choice is invalid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Merged" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
multiple | true |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
placeholder | null |
placeholder_attr | [] |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preferred_choices | [] |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
query_builder | Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder {#209032 -dqlParts: [ "distinct" => false "select" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Select {#209033 #preSeparator: "" #separator: ", " #postSeparator: "" #allowedClasses: [ "Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\Func" ] #parts: [ "entity" ] } ] "from" => [ Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr\From {#209034 #from: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent" #alias: "entity" #indexBy: null } ] "join" => [] "set" => [] "where" => null "groupBy" => [] "having" => null "orderBy" => [] ] -type: Doctrine\ORM\Internal\QueryType {#207454 …} -dql: "SELECT entity FROM Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoContent entity" -parameters: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#209035 …} -firstResult: 0 -maxResults: null -joinRootAliases: [] #cacheable: false #cacheRegion: null #cacheMode: null #lifetime: 0 -boundCounter: 0 -em: ContainerRyjIgTC\EntityManagerGhost709b3e5 {#70 …12} } |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-association" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | false |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#209031 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#209030 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#209051 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#209053 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#209052 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#209060 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#209062 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#209061 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
ea_css_class | "field-form_tab" |
same as passed value |
ea_help | null |
same as passed value |
ea_tab_id | "tab-code" |
same as passed value |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#207049 -message: "Code" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
[ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
ea_css_class | "field-form_tab" |
ea_help | null |
ea_tab_id | "tab-code" |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#209069 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | Symfony\Component\Translation\TranslatableMessage {#207049 -message: "Code" -parameters: [] -domain: "messages" } |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-form_tab" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#209071 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#209070 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
ea_form_fieldset | 0 |
same as passed value |
ea_form_tab | null |
same as passed value |
entityDto | EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#207061 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoRaw" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1126 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#207118 …} -actions: null } |
same as passed value |
label | "Seo Raw" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-association" ] |
[ "class" => "field-association" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | true |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoRaw" |
disabled | false |
ea_form_fieldset | 0 |
ea_form_tab | null |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#209078 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" use: { $class: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoRaw" } } |
entityDto | EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Dto\EntityDto {#207061 -isAccessible: true -fqcn: "Shared\Entity\Main\Seo\SeoRaw" -metadata: Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata {#1126 …} -instance: null -primaryKeyName: "id" -primaryKeyValue: null -permission: null -fields: EasyCorp\Bundle\EasyAdminBundle\Collection\FieldCollection {#207118 …} -actions: null } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Seo Raw" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-association" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#209080 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#209079 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
ea_css_class | null |
ea_help | null |
ea_icon | null |
ea_is_collapsed | false |
ea_is_collapsible | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#209089 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#209091 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#209090 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format |
"" |
Normalized Format | null |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
label | "" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-code_editor" ] |
[ "class" => "field-code_editor" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
allow_options_create | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
autocomplete | false |
autocomplete_url | null |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
create_option_text | "Add %placeholder%..." |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#209099 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
extra_options | [] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
loading_more_text | "Loading more results..." |
mapped | true |
max_results | 10 |
method | "POST" |
min_characters | null |
no_more_results_text | "No more results" |
no_results_found_text | "No results found" |
options_as_html | false |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
preload | "focus" |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "field-code_editor" ] |
setter | null |
tom_select_options | [] |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#209104 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#209098 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#209111 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#209113 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#209112 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#209119 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#209121 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#209120 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |
This form has no errors.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
Property | Value |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | [] |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
mapped | false |
same as passed value |
required | false |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#136 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#135 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#134 …} -namespace: Closure() {#132 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#209129 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#209134 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#223 …} $message: Closure() {#209128 …} $translationDomain: "validators" } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Vars
Variable | Value |